A balanced Dry week whilst Wets dry-out amidst enigmatic Geopolitics and Coronavirus…
With the exemption of the Panamaxes all dry indices suffered on a daily basis but survived the weekly uncertainty as well as anxiety with the BDI (Baltic Index) now standing at 1,350 points – plus two since yesterday. The weekly gains stood at 33 points plus – from 1,317 points last Friday the 24th of July 2020. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps …all in one:
The Capes’ BCI lost four points and now stands at 2,206; the weekly result…resulted in a plus 122 points – up from 2,084 (24/07).-
The Panamaxes BPI gained 24 points and now reads 1,227 points; the weekly gains were 23 points – up from 1,198 (24/07)
The Supras’ decline continued with the BSI down eight points at 870; on a weekly basis the BSI was down 45 points – from 915 last week.
Same levels for the Handies’ BHSI; today the Handies’ “clinched” a point – these famous +/- points and reads 474… The weekly score wasn’t bad… three points plus from 471!
All in all a slightly upwards Dry Market but still uncertain and CAUTION should be observed…
The Wets lost steam… The last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 506 – plus one and 356 – minus one since yesterday… The weekly count …found 14 points being lost from the Dirties (from 520 on 24/07) and one gained by the Cleans – from 355 on 24/07 respectively…
The WTI as these line are being written stands at US$ 40.44, slightly up since yesterday’s US$ 40.41 – that’s peanuts of three cents, but money volume-wise: millions… CAUTION. Last week it stood at US$ 41.24, so the fall is twenty cents… The WTI M U S T remain below the US$ 40 and trade down towards US$ 30 (Thirty) to enable us all survive…
Geopolitics more than enigmatically perplexed; CAUTION, as:
MIGRANTS surge yet again; what a week that was… Expect further havoc as you read these lines: from Malta to Italy, Cyprus, Greece and down to Spain.
The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa will erupt in at least four from the ten places / hot spots we continuously mention in our coverage all these last five plus years… Things are getting sour as many nations for their own “interests” get involved assisted and fully backed by warmongers… Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, Lebanon, the Palestinians, Libya, Iran, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, the with Balkans to name but a few hot spots…
Turkey is flexing its muscles but so do all of its neighbors. Make sure you are prepared for a major conflagration in a region 1,500 miles around Turkey’s frontiers… President Erdogan demands are totally out of any context…
Greece and Cyprus feel they are been bullied not just from Turkey but from the EU… with the of France… CAUTION..
The EU is in total mess…
BREXIT will soon make waves…
At the other side of the Atlantic there are too many issues at stake – both north and south…
In the North we have the USA’s president Donald Trump doing everything possible to remain in the White House post the forthcoming presidential elections in November 2020, whilst at the same time he has to ensure he controls international politics and avoid issues one of his predecessors, the late Richard Nixon engulfed by the Watergate Scandal, failed to follow up creating mess in Eastern Med in 1974… He is also at “odds”, as we see in the media with Anthony Fauci – Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984 on the Coronavirus issues!!! Racism too might cause further issues and MUST be appropriately handled…
In the Central and South predominantly Latin America, we still have an Economic chaos; this chaos is everywhere and coupled with COVID-19 makes the situation even worse… We had for five years or so the Venezuelan drama escalating, but now the drama is everywhere. CAUTION as in theses regions, social upturns might “replace” the dictatorships of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s even 90’s…
In the Far East, and especially in the South China Sea, the drums of war can be heard…. Add Hong Kong too… China makes strides on Planet Ocean but these are not well planned…
The Subcontinent too is in a mess… and we see an armaments built-up. Also Indian – Chinese relationships are not that good.
Africa? Too many issues there still at stake and we might see strange phenomena emanating from the proxy business wars the super powers are involved with…
In Australia, among other issues, we have the coastal erosion which threatens more and more homes… CAUTION! Australia will become the next field of the Super Powers’ antagonism… Watch this space…
Putin’s Russia has its own agenda; an agenda to watch…
Japan is closely watching all developments and, as an economic superpower, will have its say…
The Coronavirus anathema makes waves and I guess the politicians haven’t given a serious and coherent attention as they ought to have done… CAUTION as the results are dreadful ! DISCIPLINE is the name of game to survive!
Shipping in some sectors gets affected and in general we must ensure that the Intermodal chain isn’t affected…
One thing we …miss is what is happening with the Environment, 2020, 2030, 2050 and all that jazz…
The financial crash is already monumental and we are only in the beginning; life is changing and a new norm has already surfaced. Ensure you follow closely all developments so you remain in the game…
On another tone and note:
Theodore Chouliaras’ Book on “Principals of Petroleum Economics” is …out and about in Greek and same will be published by Dionissis Politis’ LibertyPress by the end of October 2020. Meantime, the English publication will come out first by the end of September concurrently with the new academic term on this issue… A very timely publication and we eagerly await …our copy so we write our bit. Congratulations.
…at the grounds of Planet Ocean’s renown College, the Anargyrios and Corgialenios School of Spetses Foundation, presents world acclaimed sculptor Nikolas’ works – mainly bronze, inviting visitors in a philosophical walk inside its unique gardens were curators Annita Apostolaki and Anastasia Maniudakis are doing their utmost for us to understand the artist’s thoughts on the issues bothering today’s humans appropriately depicted in his works. His “Thoughts” covers life and issues in all four continents he lived. An exhibition not to be missed from the 3rd of August – private view / opening at 19:30, until the 10th of September 2020.
Viewers can log on a www.akss.gr and see this summer’s program of AKSS Foundation’s multiple events; from exhibitions to theatrical performances, from sports events to business events. The last one on Bruce Gooch “Tangled Gardens” on 28 July, was attended by just over 140 spectators. Ms Elina Papatheodorou (Secretary-General at AKSS’s Executive Committee running all the evens) efforts, skills and acumen paid off. …Our Man in Habana send us pictures in London for us to verify same.
Last Sunday we watched live from Greek TV (ERT 1) a program on “Spetses, the island of Shipmasters, Benefactors and Heroes” were amongst others we had all views: from one of Sotirios Anrgyros’ relatives (nephew) inside the dilapidated Anargyros’ Mansion, the Mayor Panagiotis Lyrakis who tries his best for the Island, our AKSS Foundation President of the Executive Committee Petros Petrakopoulos on our college, and Manoli Vordonis– the very eloquent figure behind the Poseidonion Hotel, part of AKSS Foundation and an iconographer priest.
The Foundation of AKSS, the SAAS (AKSS Graduates Association), the Municipality of Spetses, all individuals caring about the Foundation and its properties together with the respective Ministry – I mean that of Education, must unite and further the potential of this gift by benefactors Sotirios Anargyros, Marinos Corgialenos and the Gods, save and profitably maintain same. Watch this space!
Moreover, viewers can also log at the Municipality of Spetses website and see for events there too: www.spetses.gr
Have a nice evening as well as weekend but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 260 (twohundredandsixty) trillion…
Uploaded: 22:05 BST
Updated : 23:55 BST