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Home MarketsChartering BDI falls below 1,500, mixed feelings with low Wets; Geopolitics will surprise all and Coronavirus an anathema we must eliminate..

BDI falls below 1,500, mixed feelings with low Wets; Geopolitics will surprise all and Coronavirus an anathema we must eliminate..

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John Faraclas

BDI falls below 1,500, mixed feelings with low Wets; Geopolitics will surprise all and Coronavirus an anathema we must eliminate..

The BDI lost 37 points since yesterday and now reads 1,481 losing also the 1,500 points threshold. The weekly losses, a triple digit figure, were 114 points from 1,595 points on 14 August 2020. CAUTION. Geopolitics in jeopardy and be ready for nasty surprises. Coronavirus advances the biggest worry. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The Capes’ BCI was down 79 points losing also the 2,200 points threshold and now stands at 2,160. On a weekly basis the BCI was down 242 points – from 2,402 last week…

The Panamaxes were also down at 1,653 points – minus 47 losing the 1,700 points threshold and on a weekly basis down 171 – from 1,824  points…

Five plus points for the Supras’ BSI now at 962; the weekly improvement was 35 points – from 927 (14/08)…

The Handies gained eight points and now read 546; the weekly gains stood at 55 points – from 491 last week…

So all in all a falling Dry Market and wonder what is next…

The Wets once again with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 483 – minus five and 423 – plus eight points respectively. On a weekly basis the Dirties were down 15 points from 498 and the Cleans were up 24 from 399 points… CAUTION as these figures reflect and foretell a messy outcome…

The WTI as these line are being written stands at US$ 42.32 – down a bit from US$ 42.70 yesterday and 12 cents higher since last week’s US$ 42.20. Like yesterday’s mentioning, once again we reiterate the view that same, for the sake of humanity and its 7.7 billion people – out of a total of 7.8, must never go over and above the US$40 mark… Poverty combined with other factors will lead to social upturns.

On the messy Geopolitics expect total mess with:

MIGRANTS: the number one issue all over Planet Ocean, causing distress to all societies as the social cohesion is about to break, particularly in Europe. There are about 3,5 million MIGRANTS in Turkey “awaiting” to cross over to the Greek Aegean Islands and then on to EU!!!!  Add those from the North African coast  – mainly Libya, and finally those crossing from France to the UK and see what you get!! SHAME!!  Once again we stress and reiterate our view for a Naval Blockade with a Mandate and Rules of Engagement; anything else is pure hypocrisy and blackmail and doesn’t work as you all know and above all witness!!!!! Wake up!

Turkish aspirations in becoming again the Ottoman Empire – the sick man of Europe, and bullying all of its neighbors continues! Another hypocrisy – particularly from the EU in not forming not just a communique condemning Turkish actions against its member states such as Cyprus and Greece for Turkish gross violations of their territorial waters – not to mention airspace, EEZ etc etc., but to saw its teeth. Send an EU armada and do the right thing. German led EU as well as current presidency including the German media must stop this propaganda against Greece and its rights in the region. Every single island has an EEZ no matter the distance from a nation’s mainland. NEVER EVER FORGET the  FALKLAND Islands 38 years ago in 1982. The UK went all along – 8,000 (eight thousand) miles away to defend them and Greece, even under the late Andreas Papandreou supported the UK in a dual way: as members of the European Union and NATO !!!  We need to see the UK supporting Cyprus and Greece in this unprecedented and despicable action of Turkish bullying; it is about time! ENOUGH! We all know how pro-Turkish Germany has been over the last 250 (twohundred and fifty) years!!!! NATO too MUST take action in its entirety – good to see the French raising the stakes supporting Cyprus and Greece. The myth is over that Turkey’s geographical position is valuable for the West. This is now pure nonsense!!!

This ongoing conflict between Greece and Turkey and all others involved can ONLY be sorted out by Shipbrokers who have the skills and possess the art of negotiation no other group, diplomats and politicians possess all over Planet Ocean! We are open for offering our good offices in such a negotiation!  Obviously Greece is under duress and even real experts, advisors, national security officials have a tough time from the establishment being patronaged by the foreign factor and this might turn to a boomerang!

A EU in disarray; with Belarus though things were different than those with Greece and Cyprus over the Turkish aggression!  Belarus might enter a period of mess. Watch this space!

BREXIT causing further mess and the UK public debt is now US$ 2,6 trillion… Ultra CAUTION should be observed…

Biden and Harris begin their race for the White House – but president Donald Trump is a tough cookie… We are all waiting this unique presidential election as many things are at stake given this election as there is not “proper” attendance of the World’s issues from the USA given this forthcoming elections…

China cannot flex its muscles against the USA – yet… After 25 years and if so… China might cause issues in the South China Sea… Wonder why China doesn’t get involved with the Central – East Med and Middle East issues as if there is a conflagration there, we might see the Suez Canal closing down and  Chinese trade being in a mess… COSCO has interests in Europe, strategic ones and Piraeus is its main gateway. A War between Greece, Cyprus and Turkey might cayuse upheaval in the Chinese supply chain and trade!!! The Silk Road Belt will prove vulnerable to local attacks and disruptions…

Coronavirus’ effects will continue for at least two years; we have now approached the 23 (twentythree) million cases and 800,000 deaths… Discipline and Responsibility can save the day… Wear MASKS!!!! Politicians are not medical people so they MUST shut up. Let the Medical people do their job in the same way we must allow Military people including advisors and national security officials to do theirs – you dead well know what I mean!!!

As we said last year and repeated recently, 2020 is the Year of Reckoning and we recommend CAUTION to all; take care…

l to r: Aris Kavouras, Maria M. Tripolitis, Lt. Commander (HCG) Irene Argiri and Chios Marine Club’s president Capt. Antonis Pitsilos

On another tone and note members of the BoD of the Chios Marine Club visited the Harbour Master of Chios Lieutenant Commander (HCG) Irene Argiri and reassured her of CMC continuous support given the many tricky multi-issues the Hellenic Coast Guard faces in this particular region in the North East Aegean Islands – Chios in this case. The contribution of the HCG over the years and in particular over the  last decade in these multi-issues is immense. Well done!

Have a nice evening and weekend but ensure you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 260 (twohundredandsixty) trillion…


Uploaded:   20:42 BST

Updated:     23:30 BST

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