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Home MarketsChartering Volatility knocks yet again with the BDI@1,509; Geopolitics turning sour whilst Coronavirus spreads and re-surge

Volatility knocks yet again with the BDI@1,509; Geopolitics turning sour whilst Coronavirus spreads and re-surge

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John Faraclas

Volatility knocks yet again with the BDI@1,509; Geopolitics turning sour whilst Coronavirus spreads and re-surge

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost nine points since yesterday and now reads 1,509. The Geopolitical spectrum gets worse and as we have many times in the past mentioned:  “War Father of All, if you don’t destroy you cannot rebuilt; this is the pitiful message from History” which, although for “some” people sounds cynical, regret but same is the harsh reality… The Coronavirus (COVID-19) anathema is here to stay and only through a coherent scientific global research and cooperation – business or otherwise, medicine(s) and vaccine can be produced faster saving millions of people all over Planet Ocean. John Faraclas’ midweek recap:

The Capes’ BCI  lost 15 points and now stands at 2,276 points…

The Panamaxes’ BPI lost 13 points and now reads 1,616…

Supras and Handies managed to clinch and lose a few single-digit points; the BSI and BHSI stood at 960 – minus four and 565 – plus three points respectively…

The WTI was up ten cents since yesterday and now reads US$43.46. Once again we warn all that same should go below the US$ 40 mark to alleviate the financial pain of 7.7 billion people on Planet Ocean who cannot afford these prices amid the worse ever Recession enhanced by Coronavirus… CAUTION!

The Geopolitics continue to get sour hour by hour and YES we believe that WWIII is on!

MIGRANTS create more mess and with the forthcoming mess in the faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa, expect greater numbers to shift around. No excuses. Our Naval Blockade with a Mandate and Rules of Engagement solution applies for all vulnerable regions. No other means of protection can have any positive effect. Intimately it is self-explanatory that there is not just a conspiracy theory but a major scam patronaged from all those who wish to destroy – mainly in Western so to speak societies, the Social Cohesion. WAKE UP!

In this faulty line mentioned / described above as well as stressed in hundreds of previous Recaps, expect hostilities leading to a conflagration… Unfortunately!

Greece proceeds with ratifying two agreements on EEZ with Italy and Egypt and will also proceed in extending its territorial waters to 12 miles in the Ionian Sea and South of Crete. Let’s see how Turkey responds to this… In the meantime we need to see real action on behalf of the European Union, NATO and the USA and not just verbal warnings which president Erdogan and his neo-Ottomans completely ignore. ACTION PLEASE before it is too late. Extending meetings and decisions for the end of September might be too late. Greece and Cyprus are EU members and the EU MUST here and now saw up a robust policy in tackling Turkish aggression which as we understand includes Turkey’s backers…

Mind also the Middle East tinderbox; inflammation with extended mess might be on the cards… Israel will saw zero tolerance !!!

The EU still in a mess on various issues… The EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan resigned over GolfGate… tough but just, but also a blow for Ireland!!!!

Belarus will cause turbulations… CAUTION!

Opposition Russian leader Navalny might raise the stakes between East and West, but president Putin holds on more than firm!

BREXIT continues to stir up many issues and let us see the final outcome… CAUTION for both sides of the British Channel…

Meantime and Following an incident in France, it’ s good to have topless sunbathing women but NOT a topless economy neither in France or Europe or all over Planet Ocean… With all due respect, Respect the breasts though is the issue… and don’t milk the public money. You dead well know what I mean!!!!

At the other side of the Atlantic the race for the White House’s Oval Office continues. We might also  all of us be surprised at the end of the day in the early hours of the 4th of November towards the late hours of the 5th of November during the celebration in London on Bonfire Night; significance at its best! As we speak forward for November 2020, in mid-November we have also MEP’s elections in the EU… Did I hear you say: Rebellion, eh!

Otherwise one MUST watch out the South China Sea where China has indeed designs but the USA will not back off… CAUTION !!!

Watch out events in Iran, Iran, North Korea, the Subcontinent and Africa in its entirety…

CAUTION in Latin Central / South America… for a multiple of reasons!!!! Venezuela for a start… Argentina…

In the Caribbeans, Hurricane Laura and Marco created a mess and let’s see the mess currently in the South USA – Texas and Louisiana… Marco “was” there since Monday…

Coronavirus: Tackling same needs Discipline and Responsibility by all, when we say by all we mean by all!!!

Have a nice evening  but ensure you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 260 (twohundredandsixty) trillion…

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