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Hot Port News from GAC

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Hot Port News from GAC


Sri Lanka




Tanjung Priok, Indonesia



South Africa

New procedure for seafarers arriving from India to sign-on
Monday, September 7, 2020, Sri Lanka

In light of the rising number of COVID-19 patients in India, the Sri Lankan authorities have advised that an updated procedure for seafarers arriving from India comes into effect from today (7 September).

The new procedure identifies Government of India approved/certified PCR testing laboratories/medical institutes operating in close proximity to airports.

Principles intending to send crew from India to Sri Lanka will have to perform PCR tests for their crew only from these approved laboratories/medical institutes within the proceeding 72 hours to crews’ flight boarding with a NEGATIVE result.

Crew are to be accommodated in isolation centres/hotels in close proximity to the specific airport (with minimum no. of days possible) until they depart to the airport for onward arrival to Sri Lanka.

Upon crew members’ arrival to Sri Lanka, a second PCR will be performed at the point of entry and they will be transferred to the port/isolation centre as required until such time the results are available for their onward transfer to the vessel.

The procedure for direct bulk crew transfers via chartered flights and other procedures to be adhered remains unchanged.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Sri Lanka, GAC Sri Lanka at srilanka@gac.com

Installation of floating solar farm west of Senoko Fishery Port
Monday, September 7, 2020, Singapore

From 10 September to 31 December, work is underway to install a floating solar farm west of Senoko Fishery Port.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.058 of 2020 dated 4 September 2020, the work is being carried out from 0700 to 1900 hours local time daily – including Sundays and Public Holidays – within the working area bounded by the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum):
1) 01 deg. 27.421’N / 103 deg. 47.072’E
2) 01 deg. 27.564’N / 103 deg. 46.976’E
3) 01 deg. 27.802’N / 103 deg. 47.362’E
4) 01 deg. 27.679’N / 103 deg. 47.443’E

A crane barge will be used to install mooring sinkers on the seabed. Floating support platforms will then be laid and secured to the mooring sinkers. The solar panels will then be fitted onto the platforms. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other vessels of the work.

The working area will be demarcated by yellow colour marker floats. At night, they will flash a yellow light every 5 seconds (FL.Y.5s).

Craft involved in the works exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep well clear of the working area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and to navigate with caution;|
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 21 (Sembawang Control);
e) Communicate with Jurong Control on VHF Channel 21 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Marine soil investigation at Pulau Ubin
Monday, September 7, 2020, Singapore

From 7 September to 31 December, marine soil investigation works are being conducted at Pulau Ubin.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.057 of 2020, the works are being carried 24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – at the following coordinates:
BH-06) 1 deg. 24.316’N / 103 deg. 57.189’E
BH-07) 1 deg. 24.297’N / 103 deg. 57.259’E
BH-08) 1 deg. 24.045’N / 103 deg. 58.037’E

A work barge and tug boat will be used to carry out the marine soil investigation work. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other vessels of the work.

Craft involved in the works exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep well clear and not to enter the working area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 21 (Sembawang Control);
e) Communicate with Sembawang Control for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Ports removed from immigration checkpoint list
Monday, September 7, 2020, Indonesia

The following ports have been removed from Indonesia’s list of immigration checkpoints: Pemangkat, Sambas – West Kalimantan
Marore, Tahuna – North Sulawesi
Miangas, Tahuna – North Sulawesi

There are still 90 immigration checkpoints around the country.

For information about operations in Indonesia, contact PT Andhika GAC at shipping.indonesia@gac.com

New precautions
Monday, September 7, 2020, Tanjung Priok, Indonesia

Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has issued new instructions for crew on vessels calling at the port of Tanjung Priok, as follows:

Every crew member who will start their task on a ship is required to validate the RDT (Rapid Diagnostic Test) or PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) certificate before joining the ship, minimum 1 day before ship’s departure. This is to avoid close contact with the crew on the ship if the result is reactive/positive.

If the RDT result is reactive, crew member must do the PCR test, not join the ship and self-isolate for 14 days, or until the PCR result is negative.

If the PCR result is positive, crew member must treated with the help of Covid19 Handling Task Force.

If the crew member is already on the ship and just checked the RDT, and the result is reactive, there will be PCR test for all crew members who have contact, and the ship will be disinfected. Before the PCR result is issued, the ship will be quarantined.
To avoid this disease, there are several things need to be considered, as follows:
a. Using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as masks for officers who have a high risk of contact with sufferers who are asymptomatic.
b. Always to keep healthy and clean such as close the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing hands with soap, not exchanging drinking bottles, maintaining immune condition.
c. If you have fever, cough, shortness of breath, contact health officer immediately.
d. The traveler to an infected area is encouraged to pay attention to the spread of this disease, to avoid places where the disease is infected, and avoid direct contact with people who have fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
For information about operations in Indonesia, contact PT Andhika GAC at shipping.indonesia@gac.com

Entry/transit of foreign seafarers
Monday, September 7, 2020, Philippines

The Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs has advised that from today (7 September) it will no longer issue endorsement letters for the entry/transit of foreign seafarers that disembark for repatriation, except for crew members who were already in the country before this date.

Disembarking foreign seafarers should already possess 9c Crew List visas, which may be obtained by the licensed manning agent (LMA), the ship’s agent or their authorised representative, on their behalf at the Philippine Foreign Service Posts (FSPs).

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the Philippines, contact GAC Philippines at philippines@gac.com

Airports to open, procedures still in place
Monday, September 7, 2020, Jordan

The Jordanian Government has announced re-opening of the country’s airports tomorrow (8 September).

The following procedures are in place, according to the current category of country:

Until 14 September, Canada, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco, Poland, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey & Tunisia. Passengers should be in a ‘green’ country for at least 14 days before travelling to Jordan:

PCR test – before departing from a ‘green’ country, at least 72 hours old with proof of results.
Upon arrival to airport a PCR test will be conducted again. Arriving individuals will have to wait until the result is available. If negative and the passenger has not interacted with any positive cases on the plane, their passport will be stamped and they can enter Jordan. If the result is positive, they will be transferred to one of the approved hospitals in Jordan for medication and treatment, at their own expense. All arriving passenger are requested to cover medical expenses with their own insurance.
Passengers who interacted with the confirmed case may choose to return on the same flight, if possible, or to enter compulsory quarantine for 7 days. A PCR test will be conducted on the 6th day. The quarantine period ends on the 7th day if the test is negative.
Until 14 September, Algeria, Austria, Germany, Italy, Malta, Netherlands & the UAE.

PCR test – before departing from a ‘yellow’ country, at least 72 hours old with proof of results.
Institutional quarantine for 7 days. All arriving passenger will be tested twice on the 1st day of quarantine and on the 7th day of quarantine. They will leave on the 8th day if the result is negative, to be followed another 7 days’ home quarantine.
Until 14 September, Bahrain, Belgium, Egypt, France, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Syria, UK, Ukraine, USA & Yemen.

PCR test – before departing from a ‘red’ country, at least 72 hours old with proof of results.
Institutional quarantine for 7 days. Arriving passengers will be tested twice on the 1st day of quarantine and on the 7th day of quarantine. They will leave on the 8th day if the results is negative, to be followed another 7 days’ home stay quarantine with Electronic Tracking Bracelet.
If unable to present a PCR test, the institutional quarantine will be applied for 14 days.
An announcement is expected next week about changes to countries’ classification.

To date, Jordan’s Maritime Commission is still not permitting any crew disembarkation in Aqaba under any circumstances.

For information about operations in Jordan, contact GAC Jordan at jordan@gac.com

Use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
Monday, September 7, 2020, South Africa

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has issued a Marine Notice updating the country’s transitional position regarding the use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCSs) in South African waters.

This is in line with the global implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI limit of 0.50 mass per cent concentration (0.50% m/m) sulphur content in fuel oil, for all ships, effective 1 January 2020.

The use of ECGCSs, also known as scrubbers, is a commercially available option for the shipping industry. Ships installed with scrubbers mean they can continue to burn high-sulphur bunker fuel and comply with the 0.5% sulphur limit.

The acceptance of EGCSs as an equivalent arrangement under Regulation 4 of MARPOL Annex VI for compliance with the sulphur limit is currently based on the criteria stipulated in the 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.259(68)). 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.259(68).

South Africa continues to accept all type approved scrubbers and will re-evaluate its position in December 2020.

The following considerations to be adhered to:
a) Masters should immediately inform the Authorities should there be a breakdown of the EGCS.
b) Masters are reminded to adhere to the requirements of Marine Notice 9 of 2019 in terms of Fuel Oil Non-Availability Reports (FONAR).
c) All records to be made available during Port State Control Inspections.
d) The National Port Authority may require the master to provide evidence that a complaint EGCS is onboard.

For further details and information about operations in South Africa, contact GAC South Africa at shipping.capetown@gac.com

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