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Home Marine InsuranceEarthquakes, Tsunamis, Cyclones and Typhoons Please meet DTN’s new Marine Weather API!

Please meet DTN’s new Marine Weather API!

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Please meet DTN’s new Marine Weather API!

What is it?

The new Marine Weather API is DTN’s next generation marine forecast engine.It hosts DTN’s global suite of metocean models including MANTA – the most accurate marine forecast and hindcast data globally – via the most recent cloud based technology.

An innovative, flexible and fully scalable forecast platform, it can serve the highest value marine use-cases.

Why is it different from any other API solution?

  • It contains MANTA – DTN’s in-house proprietary marine forecasting model, as well as a suite of other global and regional models to make it to the most accurate marine forecast and hindcast data globally
  • It contains 100+ marine parameters such as waves, tides, currents, and atmospheric
  • Marine forecast models can be tuned to a client specific site, operations or situation forecast
  • Multiple configuration options are available on temporal resolution, forecast ranges, location requests and data format (JSON, XML)
  • Models and forecast data are validated, calibrated and tuned to the latest observations continuously

What are the benefits?

  1. Flexible & Scalable: Tune models to match your needs – Multiple configuration options on temporal resolution, forecast ranges, location requests and data format (JSON, XML)
  2. Higher Accuracy: When marine forecast models are tuned to a client specific site, operations or situation forecast, accuracy improvements of multiple % points can be expected
  3. Reduce Operational Costs: Higher accuracy data means reducing weather forecast errors and unnecessary weather downtime/re-routing, which can lead to an increase in operational costs
  4. Increased Safety: Higher resolution improves accuracy of the forecast data, as well better forecasted weather phenomenon. E.g. tropical storm systems
  5. Increased Efficiency: Make Fast Decision/Unburdens Crew – Less interpretation on weather forecasts is needed by crew, giving them confidence of oncoming weather and sea conditions, and therefore being able to make fast decisions
  6. 24/7 Support: Supported 24/7 by 200 meteorologists, scientists and master mariners

 What is still to come on the Marine Weather API?

Focusing on marine analytics and high value add data services:

  • Gridded data and multiple point requests, making it even easier to work with more of DTN marine weather data
  • Wave spectral data on the fly for vessel motion and operability forecasting. It’s the future of offshore and shipping
  • In house vessel motion forecasting in partnership with a hydrodynamic consultancy firm
  • Metocean hind cast timeseries for design studies and extreme value analysis and planning assessments
  • Metocean analytics and statistics, giving our clients direct access to the insights they need in design and planning

So forget any other weather provider, or weather data start up, DTN is here to stay and we have the teams and knowledge to being Marine Data Services to the next level, making your marine operations safer, cheaper and more efficient.

For more information, please check out the below links:

The Web Page: https://www.dtn.com/weather/shipping/marine-content-services/

Technical Info: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11810506/T1DtfFjQ

The Brochure: https://www.dtn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Marine-Weather-API.pdf


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