Argentina – MARPOL ANNEX VI – Latest Developments on Domestic Implementation
Argentina – Marpol Annex VI
Suspension of Validity of Argentine Regulation Banning Discharge of Wash Waters from Open Loop Scrubbers into National Waters
Dear Friends and Colleagues.
We hope this message finds you well and healthy.
On this occasion, we contact you to inform that, on September 24th, 2020, Prefectura Naval Argentina issued Resolution DISFC-2020-22-APN-DPAM#PNA that suspends the enforcement of Resolution 15/2020 DISFC-2020-15-APN-DPAM-PNA, which prohibited the discharge of wash waters from open loop scrubbers into national waters; i.e., inland waters, territorial sea, adjacent area, and the Argentine economic zone.
Such Resolution was published in the Official Gazette on October 2nd; therefore, it shall be valid and enforceable as from October 3rd, 2020.
For more information about the previous regulation, you can visit our website and see our News Alert published on August 10th 2020, titled “Marpol Annex VI: Argentine Maritime Authority Prohibits Discharge of Wash Water from Open Loop Scrubbers into National Waters”.
Likewise, you may find more details on the “Marpol Annex VI: Suspension of Validity of Argentine Regulation Banning Discharge of Wash Waters from Open Loop Scrubbers into National Waters” by clicking here.
We recommend shipping companies and vessels to take note about the important operative changes derived from the entering into force of the new regulation reported hereby.
We will remain alert to further decisions that the competent authorities may issue about this matter, since as the above-referred suspension is provisional, the restrictions previously explained have not been permanently overturned.
We hope you find this News Alert of interest.
With best regards,