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Latest from WISTA UK

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Latest from WISTA UK

Just a couple of days ago, a marine claim response webinar with attendance from Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, and of course UK ( Scotland and England) took place. More than 200 people signed up.

Viewers can see here the  Link to the recording.

The panel was across government and industry.

There was:

  • Lisa McAuliffe the Dy SOSREP ( Secretary of State’s Representative) Maritime and Salvage Intervention, who talk about the response and coordinating efforts. The SOSREP is a civil servant appointed to oversee the UKs casualty response in order to reduce environmental impact and financial cost of maritime disasters. They have overall responsibility for monitoring the response to off shore incidents where there is a risk of pollution, which is with almost all maritime vessel incidents.
  • Neil Chapman, environmental scientist Lead at The Maritime and Coastguard agency was also on the panel and spoke about the immediate response and the role of the MCA , their role in pollution incidents, and also their coordinating and reporting role .
  • Revecca Vasiliou, Divisional Claims Director at Charles Taylor & Co. Limited, managers of The Standard Club UK Ltd spoke about the role of the P & I clubs and Simon Burnay Director and Naval Architect, at Waves Group Ltd; she spoke about the Consultants Role in dealing with incidents.
  • Monica Kohli, Jt. President WISTA UK and Senior Lawyer at Gard (UK) ltd. moderated the event, asking the panellists to talk about their personal experiences and also their role and where they fit onto the response mechanism that starts when a maritime incident is notified to the MCA.

It was a very informative session with some great insights.

Another event is coming up on 20 October 2020 for black history month together with Lloyds of London.

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