Hot Port News from GAC
Sri Lanka
Gulf Coast, United States
Hong Kong
Chennai, India
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Restrictions on boarding vessels
Thursday, October 8, 2020, Sri Lanka
After several crew members of two vessels at Sri Lankan ports were tested positive for COVID-19, the following measures have been implemented:
Representatives of vessel agents may not go onboard unless it is essential.
All personnel are advised to wear full PPE when going onboard.
Port Health Officer (PHO) will issue “Free Pratique” without going onboard the vessels. However, the authority of the PHO to enter into a vessel at any given time with regards to the prevention and control of diseases remains unchanged.
Agent’s representatives are instructed to do their work at the service desk near each vessel’s gangway, along with the Port Security personal for general cargo/ breakbulk vessels, to minimise contact with the ship’s crew.
For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Sri Lanka, contact GAC Sri Lanka at
Ports prepare for Hurricane Delta
Thursday, October 8, 2020, Gulf Coast, United States
Port Condition X-Ray has been set at the ports of Beaumont, Port Arthur, Freeport, Houston, Lake Charles, Mobile, New Orleans, Pascagoula and Florida in anticipation of Hurricane Delta.
Delta has almost finished passing the Yucatan Peninsula and is forecast to head for the US.
Warm sea surface temperatures combined with low vertical wind shear are forecast to promote re-strengthening across the southern Gulf of Mexico with peak intensity likely to occur across deep waters offshore Louisiana this evening into tomorrow morning. An upper level high pressure ridge will advance west of Florida and settle over the eastern Gulf of Mexico today before retreating east tomorrow (9 October). Delta is forecast to track around the southwestern periphery of this high during the next 24 hours then curve north around the western periphery later today into Friday. Meanwhile, an upper level trough is expected to advance from the west and allow for Delta to accelerate north to north-northeast Friday into the weekend.
For further updates and information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at
Hydrographic sounding survey in Kwai Tsing Container Basin
Thursday, October 8, 2020, Hong Kong
For approximately 2 weeks, a hydrographic sounding survey will be carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D):
(A) 22° 20.760’N / 114° 06.891’E
(B) 22° 20.734’N / 114° 06.900’E
(C) 22° 20.708’N / 114° 06.809’E
(D) 22° 20.734’N / 114° 06.800’E
The works will be carried out by one work boat.
The hours of work will be from 0900 to 1700 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. The work boat will not stay in the works area outside the hours of work.
Vessel engaged in the operation will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.
Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and at slow speed.
(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.142/2020
Concessions for crew changes
Thursday, October 8, 2020, Chennai, India
Chennai Port is please to announce the following concessions offered on Vessel Related Charges for vessels carrying out crew change.
Concession of 75% in Port Dues for “Vessels entering the port for bunkering and/or crew change at anchorage but does not enter into the closed harbour”.
Concession of 50% in Port Dues for “Vessels entering the port but dos not discharge or take in any cargo or passengers therein (except materials required for repair purpose), including vessels entering the port only for bunkers and/or crew change”.
In addition, vessels intending to carry our crew change at berth will also be allowed a free period of 6 hours’ stay at berth and after the expiry, applicable berth hire charges as per SOR will be levied for the entire period of stay at berth.
These concessions will be applicable with immediate effect.
(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at
Source: Port of Chennai Trade Notice No.M-01/2020 dated 8 October 2020
Handling positive COVID-19 cases from ships
Thursday, October 8, 2020, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Please follow the below given procedures in case if any crew onboard tested positive for COVID-19:
Test result is positive.
Fujairah Port Medical Centre (FPMC) Doctor’s report confirms that the patient (ship crew) is asymptomatic.
Ship’s agent to contact FPMC for the acceptance of the patient at FPMC isolation room, FPMC to confirm to PoF [Port of Fujairah] about acceptance of the patient.
The patient will be admitted at the isolation room in FPMC.
The patient will be transferred to FPMC through an approved crew boat and your ambulance as follows:
a) FMPC will provide the boat’s crew with PPE as per MOHAP guidelines.
b) Boat will pick up the patient and transfer him ashore.
c) FPMC ambulance will pick up the patient and will be sent to the isolation room.
d) The crew boat will be disinfected by a registered company (by PoF) and a certificate will be submitted to PoF.
e) The ship will be disinfected by a registered company (by PoF) and a certificate will be submitted to PoF.
f) Once the isolation is over as per MOHAP guidelines, the recovered crew member can return back to his ship or fly home.
Test result is positive.
Fujairah Port Medical Centre (FPMC) Doctor’s report confirms that the patient (ship crew) is symptomatic.
The patient will be admitted to MOHAP hospital as per their guidelines.
The patient will be transferred to MOHAP hospital through an approved crew boat and national ambulance as follows:
a) FMPC will provide the boat’s crew with PPE as per MOHAP guidelines.
b) Boat will pick up the patient and transfer him ashore.
c) National ambulance will pick up the patient and send him to MOHAP hospital.
d) The crew boat will be disinfected by a registered company (by PoF) and a certificate will be submitted to PoF.
e) The ship will be disinfected by a registered company (by PoF) and a certificate will be submitted to PoF.
f) Once the treatment is over and the patient is fit as per MOHAP guidelines, the recovered crew member can return back to his ship or fly home.
(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Fujairah, contact GAC Fujairah at
Source: Port of Fujairah Notice to Agent No.80/2020 dated 8 October 2020