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Home ShipmanagementBunkering Prime’s Daily Market Report – Oct. 13, 2020

Prime’s Daily Market Report – Oct. 13, 2020

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Prime’s Daily Market Report – Oct. 13, 2020


SOURCES: Phys. Suppliers, Reuters
CRUDE OIL FUTURES @ 14:22 WTI $40.13/bbl ↓0.70 Brent $42.35/bbl ↓0.63 Gasoil4.00
PORTS  (Del.costs) VLSFO (0.5%) RMG380 RME180 DMA LS Comments/Earl.del.  
PIRAEUS (mtw) 340-345 287-292 n.a. 375-380 firm prices s.i.-avails
MALTA 335-340 296-301 n.a. 360-365
GIBRALTAR (mtd/mtw) 340-345 292-297 n.a. 375-380
ISTANBUL (mtw) 340-345 s.i. n.a. 390-400
NOVOROSSIYSK 300-305 280-285 n.a. 395-400
ROTTERDAM 315-320 255-260 n.a. 335-340
LAS PALMAS 340-345 293-298 n.a. 375-380
ST. PETERSBURG 300-305 230-235 n.a. 330-335
LOME anch 368-373 s.i. n.a. 428-433
ALGOA BAY 373-378 s.i. n.a. 494-499 firm prices s.i.-avails
DURBAN 366-371 n.a. s.i. 465-470
JEDDAH posted price (mtw) 323 279.2 s.i. 421.6
FUJAIRAH 348-353 268-273 n.a. 457-462 earl. del. Oct 17
VISAG s.i s.i. n.a. s.i.
MUMBAI 360-365 310-315 n.a. 453-458
COLOMBO 365-370 s.i. n.a. 440-445
SINGAPORE 340-345 268-273 n.a. 349-354
HONG KONG 318-323 296-301 n.a. 345-350
SHANGHAI 350-355 300-305 n.a. 412-417
BUSAN 352-357 307-312 n.a. 380-385
KAOHSIUNG posted price 366 311 n.a. 405
MONTREAL* 380-385 309-314 n.a. 392-397
NEW ORLEANS* (mtw) 329-334 285-290 n.a. 374-379
HOUSTON* (mtw) 310-315 262-267 n.a. 368-373
NEW YORK* (mtw) 335-340 266-271 n.a. 357-362
LOS ANGELES* (mtd/mtw) 351-356 263-268 n.a. 390-395
PANAMA* (mtw) 340-345 294-299 n.a. 384-389
RIO DE JANEIRO* 339-344 n.a. n.a. 414-419
REMARKS s.i. = subject inquiry,   n.a = not available,    s.a. = subj. avails     
VLSFO, DMA & DMB prices, where avail, will be subj to inquiry        
Above prices are not firm – only indicative of the market at the time they were documented & basis 30 days payment terms.  
* Due to time zone difference or holiday, prices for these ports are yesterday’s closing * 
+ Prompt deliveries (before the earliest dates) may be possible but at high premiums
+ Movements in prices are basis the respective port’s product & barge availability besides crude levels.  
+ Since no one is a fortune teller there are no indicative prices for future delivery dates.     
+ All prices above are in US$ per mtd unless otherwise specified.  (mtw) = additional transportation charges

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