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Hot Port News from GAC


Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ras Laffan, Qatar

Buckeye Bahamas Hub, Bahamas

Temporary suspension of crew change operations
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Sri Lanka

Disembarkation of foreign seafarers at all ports in Sri Lanka has been temporarily suspended. Both signing-on and signing-off of foreign seafarers is not permitted until further notice.

Further, disembarkation of Sri Lankan seafarers is not allowed. Only embarkation of Sri Lankan crew to vessels can be carried out.

Direct bulk crew transfers carried out through exclusive charter flights (where the crew is required to transfer directly to/from port/airport, no stay at Isolation Centre is allowed and no PCR tests carried out in Sri Lanka) can be carried out subject to approval from the authorities.

Sea marshal operations may continue as usual for both sign-on and sign-off. However, sea marshals may no longer arrive into Sri Lanka by air as before.

Other husbandry services including dry docking, lay-up, launch services, ship spares logistics, supply of bunkers/ lubricants/ provisions/ fresh water, hull cleaning & underwater services etc. can be carried out in Sri Lankan waters without interruptions.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Sri Lanka, contact GAC Sri Lanka at srilanka@gac.com

Revised procedure for oil tankers arriving to discharge cargo
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Sri Lanka

The procedure for tanker vessels calling at SPBM/DTB in Sri Lanka to discharge liquid cargo has been revised by the Ministry of Health after a meeting with relevant stakeholders, including the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation. These guidelines should be adhered to with immediate effect.


It is mandatory to conduct Covid-19 PCR tests for the entire crew of oil tankers arriving at Sri Lankan ports for oil discharging operations.
The PCR test should be performed by an approved private sector laboratory in Sri Lanka.
Free Pratique will be issued by the Port Health Officer upon receipt of negative PCR test reports for all crew members along with other routine documents to the Port Health Office.

Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminal Limited (CPSTL) and Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) staff who enter an oil tanker should wear appropriate PPE.
CPSTL/CPC staff who will be on board should undergo a 14 days quarantine period in premises provided by the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, if they have been contacted with a Covid-19 positive crew member(s).
Such premises should be managed by the CPSTL/CPC under the directions and guidelines given by the area Medical Officer of Health (MOH)/PHI.
A PCR test to be done on day 7 of the quarantine period by an approved private sector laboratory.
With a negative day 7 PCR report, staff can be released from mandatory quarantine on day 14 after informing the area MOH/PHI and can resume work.
For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in in Sri Lanka, GAC Sri Lanka at agency.lk@gac.com

Trial of water injection dredging
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Port of Rotterdam Authority is examining whether it would be realistic to expand its new dredging programme in Rotterdam with water injection dredging. The current study fits within the Port Authority’s PRISMA research programme…

…Every year, some 5 million cubic metres of dredged material are removed from the port basins – equivalent to around 500 football pitches covered with a metre-thick layer of spoil.

Water injection dredging is seen as the most promising means by which to remove clean sediment along berths and waterways for maintenance purposes. The technique involves injecting water into the soil of the project site. This creates a homogeneous mixture of water and sediment, which then flows in a specific direction under the influence of gravity and/or currents.

Over the past two years, the Port Authority has conducted trials with water injection dredging in Calandkanaal, having set up a sludge repository in the waterway for this purpose. Injecting the sediment with water once every 6 to 8 weeks rather than removing it with a trailing suction hopper dredger has cut dredging costs at the site. In addition, water injection dredging is used at sites in the port area that are difficult to access, as well as frequently occupied berths. As a result, port users experience less hinder from shallow berths and dredging operations that impede freight handling.

PRISMA is an acronym for PRogramma Innovatie Sediment MAnagement. This programme was set up by the Port of Rotterdam Authority to explore new innovation opportunities within its dredging programme and increase insight into sediment’s specific characteristics. The PRISMA studies are performed in partnership with various research institutes, including Delft University of Technology, Deltares and MARIN.

(For information about operations in the Netherlands, contact GAC Netherlands at agency.netherlands@gac.com)

Source: Extracts from Port of Rotterdam (www.portofantwerp.com) news release dated 3 November 2020

Port stay matrix for Offshore Support Vessels
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Ras Laffan, Qatar

Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) at Ras Laffan should plan according to the below port stay matrix advised by the port authorities:

Provisions/crew change: 4 hours berth stay is allowed.
Provisions/FW supplies & crew change: 6 hours berth stay is allowed.
Bunkering/provisions/FW supplies & crew change: 8 hours berth stay is allowed.
Cargo ops/bunkering/provisions/FW supplies & crew change: 12 hours berth stay is allowed.
Bulk cargoes/cargo ops/bunkering/provisions/FW supplies & crew change: 18 hours berth stay is allowed.
Maintenance subject to berth availability: Port stay not to exceed 24 hours.
Any vessel that needs to stay more than 245 hours shall require port management approval.
For information about operations in Qatar, contact GAC Qatar at qatar@gac.com

Berthing still restricted
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Buckeye Bahamas Hub, Bahamas

Buckeye Bahamas Terminal remains at Port Restricted Berthing Condition. As weather conditions are still marginal, vessels are operating on a case-by-case basis.

Pilots indicate that the weather is expected to improve over the next 24-48 hours, but for a short period. They expect to close port over the weekend.

(For information about operations in the Bahamas, contact the GAC Houston Hub Agency Center at hub.us@gac.com)

Source: Elnet Maritime – GAC agent

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