Capes …”rebound” but markets remain low; awaiting for the occupant of the Oval Office whilst Coronavirus spreads…
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained two points since yesterday but lost 87 since last Friday the 30th of October (1,283) and now stands at 1,196. The Wets on a falling mode. Nothing further from the presidential contest as Biden leads 253 and president Trump is down to 214. A close race and same will last… Whose isn’t afraid of Coronavirus? John Faraclas daily and weekly recaps:
The Capes’ BCI was up 30 points at 1,739, but on a weekly basis down 136 from 30/10 when it stood at 1,875 points… Once again: one size cannot determine nor create a market…
The Panamaxes’ BPI was down 19 points at 1,190 losing the 1,200 points threshold. On a weekly basis the BPI lost 99 points (down from 1,289)…
The Supras’ BSI was down 11 and now reads 901 points. The weekly loss amounts to 48 points – down from 949 …
An ace for the Handies with the BHSI at 583. The weekly loss was eight points – from 591…
Not a nice picture and hope the BDI not to go under the 1,000 as if his happens, expect mess.
The Wets both on a daily as well as on a weekly basis fell; the las BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 403 – minus two and 309 – minus one point respectively. The weekly score: minus eight for the Dirties (from 411) and minus three for the Cleans (from 312)… Again, NOT a nice picture.
A Tip for all: time to go for newbuildings and save the environment! Wind power can do the trick! I am sure you have seen the latest:
The WTI was up US$ 2.76 to US$ 37.40; last week same stood at US$ 35.79… Let us hope same remains under the US$ 40 mark, as otherwise it will be the stumbling block for 7,7 billion peoples wellbeing all over Planet Ocean…
On the Geopolitical front MIGRANTS remain the real number one issue with traffickers getting advantage amid the Coronavirus anathema pandemic pandemonium, the find a loop hole and move people around from the British Channel down to Libya and from Morocco to the Aegean. Ake on account the long haul journey from Afghanistan to Europe and from the Sub-Saharan countries to Europe… Add the USA – Mexican border, the Venezuela and Colombia mess and see what you get. A stigma for our 2020 society and a shame for our politicians as well as the UN. No excuses please!
Turkey continues to press ahead its plans as the EU is in a mess and some countries prefer the profit from business with bankrupt Turkey, other – because of this bankruptcy are afraid to distance themselves whilst they can see the threat of Islamist Erdogan against Europe; these countries hold at least 1 trillion of Turkish banking debt…
Armenia, Cyprus, Greece, Syria and the periphery countries feel bullied by Turkey. CAUTION. The premeditated apathy of the UN, EU, NATO AND Russia, cannot be forgiven. China has its own agenda and always favoured Turkey… We haven’t seen any move whatsoever by China vis-à-vis the conflict in Central, East Med, Middle East and the Balkans… China has indeed vested trade and other global interests and might loose if say the Suez Canal and the Dardanelles close where Russia might intervene…
BREXIT is back to the drawing board… Will at the end of the day Australian rules come into force…
Europe and in particular the European Union MUST get its act together… In less than two months, Germany hands over the presidency of the EU to Slovenia. Wonder what was the success story of this German presidency… amid the global recession, the despicable issues with Turkish aggression, Belarus, the Migrants, Terrorism and the Coronavirus mess.
France continues to live in a state of limbo and I am sure president Macron will so zero tolerance to whoever rocks society’s life, especially terrorism. What happened to Nice is despicable, As for the Orthodox priest shot outside his church, things and motives are still unclear…
In Austria too feelings are high following the terrorist attack there. Austrian Chancellor is explicit that zero tolerance will prevail there too.
At the other side of the Atlantic Joe Biden is leading the race at the USA’s presidential elections, whilst president Trump is taking from now on the matter to courts. Expect a thriller until we see in January who seats and works at the Oval Office in the white House. Coincidentally today, back in 1860, Abraham Lincoln become the 16th USA’s president; 160 years ago…
In the Pacific Basin, China flexes its muscles but cannot match that of the USA! Japan is closely watching.
Putin’s Russia has its own agenda on all issues for Planet Ocean and it is worth to follow up. Western Media though abstain for informing the international public what is going on…
India and Pakistan might upset the Sub-Continent… Tensions among these two nuclear capable neighbours might lead even to a conflict and who will guarantee us that they will not use their short-range nukes…
Financial disaster all over Central and South Latin America…
Messy situations all over Africa…
Don’t leave …unmonitored the North Korean leader
In Australia some scandals will surface enough to rock media interests there and beyond.
Coronavirus not only make waves, it put us almost all in Lockdowns…
The next thing we shall see making waves, when the vaccine(s) are ready, will be the distribution process. Let’s hope Intermodalism works this time to the utmost.
Be brave, disciplined and responsible.
Have a nice evening and weekend, ensuring you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 270 (twohundredandseventy) trillion…