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Home HRAnniversaries A poignant National Day; More recoveries than new cases… plus two more items

A poignant National Day; More recoveries than new cases… plus two more items

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A poignant National Day; More recoveries than new cases… plus two more items

Good Morning Monaco  –   Friday, November 20, 2020

The traditional celebrations for Monaco’s National Day took place on Thursday, November 19, with many members of the Sovereign’s extended family in attendance on the Principality’s most important day.
Alexander Lukashenko, who has been waging war on his own people with outrageous violence since the disputed presidential election of August 9, has suggested that Belarus and Monaco cooperate with a joint “economic event.”

A slow but steady improvement in the coronavirus situation in Monaco was noted on Thursday, November 19. with ten new recoveries from the virus.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged to restore Britain’s navy to its position as Europe’s most powerful maritime force on Thursday, highlighting that shipbuilding could also help heal divisions between the four nations of the United Kingdom.


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