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Home HRCommunication Image Line Communications appointed to implement the Women in Shipping priority actions

Image Line Communications appointed to implement the Women in Shipping priority actions

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Sue Terpilowski OBE, Managing Director of Image Line Communications

Image Line Communications appointed to implement the Women in Shipping priority actions

ECSA and the ETF are happy to announce that they have appointed ‘Image Line Communications’ as the lead agency to support them with the implementation of the priority actions identified in their joint declaration of intention on the enhanced participation of women in EU shippin

The ECSA–ETF WESS project aims to contribute to an Attractive, Smart and Sustainable Working Environment in the EU shipping sector, by supporting the work towards jobs, growth and the sector’s competitiveness.

Image Line Communications will work on an awareness-raising campaign and a research work to identify good practices of measures to enhance the recruitment and retention of women in the industry, including measures to deal with gender policies in the workplace.

“A more gender-balanced EU shipping industry will improve culture, sustainability and productivity. We are proud to be the initiators of such a joint industry effort that will bring more women on board,” said Tim Springett, ECSA Social Affairs Committee Chair and social dialogue spokesperson.

“This is an important work, looking into the barriers facing women in the maritime industry and gender equality. This project is about equal respect, rights and opportunity for everyone,” added Mark Dickinson, ETF Maritime Transport EU Committee Chair and social dialogue spokesperson.

Sue Terpilowski, Managing Director of Image Line Communications, in association with Dr Kate Pike and Julie Lithgow, believes highlighting the current and future roles of women in the shipping sector is one the team could not allow to pass without involvement.

“Kate, Julie and I have been heavily involved in this issue for many years and this tender gives the three of us a real opportunity to demonstrate how important women are in the maritime sector. Our focus is on developing a sustainable working environment in shipping for women as well as creating an awareness of how important they are for the benefit of the whole industry sector.

“Our expertise and knowledge of the shipping world is based on many years working in the maritime industry in communications, logistics, research and operational issues. Winning this tender gives us the opportunity to take these issues to a wider audience and demonstrate the need for greater diversity in this vital global sector. As part of this tender we are actively seeking to connect, network, support and amplify other contacts with interested parties in relation to the development of future initiatives.”

ECSA and ETF are the Social Partners’ organisations recognised by the EU in representing the interests of employers and employees in the Social Dialogue Committee for the Maritime Transport sector.

For regular updates regarding the WESS project, please visit https://www.ecsa.eu/WESS and https://www.etf-europe.org/activity/wess/.

For more information about the project, please contact directly Image Line Communications team@eumaritimewomen.org or sue@imageline.co.uk and the Project Management Team (Claudia Vella Casagrande (vellacasagrande@ecsa.eu) or Penny Serveta (Serveta@ecsa.eu) or Estelle Brentnall (e.brentnall@etf-europe.org) or Lotte Ockerman (l.ockerman@etf-europe.org).

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