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SOS Session Sportlight – ARICE Project Meeting, Arctic Sustainable Development, EU-POLARNET White Paper

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SOS Session Sportlight – ARICE Project Meeting, Arctic Sustainable Development, EU-POLARNET White Paper

ARICE Project Meeting: Industry-Science Cooperation for Safe and Sustainable Arctic Operations
Session time: 8 Dec 2020 8:00AM -11:00AM GMT pre-SOS event
Date Theme
WOC engaged in Sustainable Development of the Arctic two workshops and white papers. ARICE is a H2020 EU-funded project whose overall aim is to provide Europe with better capacities for marine-based research in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.
The ARICE Project Meeting: Industry-Science Cooperation for Safe and Sustainable Arctic Operations will focus on achievements related to the interaction between the Arctic science community and the Arctic industry community. The workshop will Include speakers from Industry and from the Arctic Research community and be organized in two panels:
The first panel will explore and discuss the joint science and industry priorities for Arctic research and observations that have resulted from this interaction. The discussion will be focused on the cruise and the shipbuilding industries.
The second panel discusses the challenge of enhanced observational capabilities in the Arctic, in relation to the ARICE “Programme of Ships and Platform of Opportunity”, as well as through the identification of key technologies and practices that could lead to an improvement of observations in ice-covered seas..
The interaction of the workshop starts now, you can post your questions, your comments, and introduce your projects that is relevant to this session. Sharing your thought ahead of time will help us prepare for the session, and we also look forward to seeing you in the live session.
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Arctic Sustainable Development: Impacts of Changing Environmental Conditions on Shipping Operational Risk
Session time: 9 Dec 2020 7:00AM – 8:30AM GMT
The workshop will address the following questions:
• What will be the impacts of changing environmental conditions in the Arctic on shipping operational risk?
• Can these changes and the associated risk be predicted in order to foresee and adapt to these and ensure safe and sustainable marine activities?
• Is it possible to provide a tailored climate services to deliver consistent and accurate risk-informed decision support to maritime and offshore operations, e.g. regarding extreme weather conditions, sea-ice, water temperature, precipitation, wind?The workshop is part of WOC activities within the Blue Action project.
Blue Action is a major EU-funded research project investigating the effect of a changing Arctic on weather and climate.Panelists coming from both the science community and the industry will engage in a discussion on risks in future Arctic operations, and the links between research and industry to address these. The discussion is expected to be very interactive, and it will dedicate enough time for questions and discussion with participants. Members of the ARICE Industry Liaison Panel will also participate in the discussion as commentators.
The interaction of the workshop starts now, you can post your questions, your comments, and introduce your projects that is relevant to this session. Sharing your thought ahead of time will help us prepare for the session, and we also look forward to seeing you in the live session.
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EU-POLARNET: Integrated European Polar Research Programme Completes Its Work: Final White Papers Published
After Five Exciting Years, EU-PolarNet and WOC Completed the Project’s Activities in June 2020 and Delivered a Final Set of Achievements.

EU-PolarNet is an EU-funded project which included the World Ocean Council (WOC) as its key industry partner, worked to co-design polar research projects that deliver tangible benefits for society, through new partnerships, prioritizing science and optimizing the use of polar infrastructure. The EU-PolarNet consortium engaged in closer cooperation with all relevant actors on an international level, with the purpose of reaching a higher degree of coordination in polar research and operations.EU-PolarNet came to an end in June 2020 and delivered its final round of outputs, which are all accessible here. The deliverables notably includes the first fully co-designed European Polar Research Programme, which is available here.In addition, two final white papers have been published on:
• European Infrastructure Access and Interoperability
• Status of Stakeholder Engagement in Polar ResearchChristine Valentin, WOC Europe’s Executive Director has been a contributing author to the European Polar Research Programme and the White Paper on European Infrastructure Access and Interoperability.

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