Hot Port News from GAC
Dampier & Port Hedland, Australia
Buckeye Bahamas Hub, Bahamas
Ports prepare for Tropical Low
Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Dampier & Port Hedland, Australia
As of 1400LT on 8th Dec 2020, Tropical Low 02U was located 230km east southeast of Christmas Island in position 11.3S 107.6E. It is expected to be relatively slow moving over the next 12 hours. It is forecast to start tracking southeasterly towards the Pilbara Coast from today (9 December), and most likely cross the coast between Pardoo and Dampier late tomorrow or early Friday morning.
The ports of Dampier and Port Hedland are currently at Cyclone Stage 2 – Prepare. This involves extensive communications and consultation between the Harbour Master, Port Terminal Operators, Port users and Pilots. Operational plans, sailing drafts, tidal requirements and intentions will be discussed and evaluated against possible response scenarios.
Vessel Masters shall ensure:
- Vessel’s engines and machinery are fully operational
- Vessel’s stability, trim, and propeller immersion are appropriate
- Vessel’s manning, stores and bunkers are adequate for departure
- Preparations are made in accordance with their respective cyclone response plan
Terminal/berth operators are to ensure that :
- The latest cyclone forecasts are taken into account if planning operations over the coming days
- The response plan accounts for time required for vessel’s to clear the port and the approaching tropical system safely.
- The wharf areas are inspected for and cleared off / secured for any items that may have the potential to fall into the berth pockets or adjacent areas during periods of strong winds
Shipping operations at Dampier will continue as planned. Adjustments will be made based on prevalent and expected weather conditions associated with the tropical system.
Based on the forecasted movement of the system, Port Hedland anchorages will commence to be cleared from 1030 hours local time today (9 December).
The weather forecasts will continue to be monitored and a further advice will be issued within the next 24 hours or earlier if there is a substantial change/escalation to the situation.
For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com
Extension of MaritimeSG Together package
Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Singapore
MPA had earlier rolled out a series of measures under the Unity, Resilience, Solidarity and Fortitude Budgets and the MaritimeSG Together Package to provide financial support to the maritime industry in the wake of the global COVID-19 outbreak. To continue supporting the more affected sectors in the maritime industry, MPA has announced the extension of the relevant measures, effective from 1 January 2021.
I. Port Dues Concession
MPA will extend the port dues concessions set out in Table 1 for another six months from 1 January to 30 June 2021.
Table 1: Extension of Port Dues Concession
Vessel Type: Passenger-carrying vessels (all regional ferries & cruise vessels)
- Port Dues Concession: 50%
- Criteria: Port stay of not more than five days
Vessel Type: Passenger-carrying harbour craft and pleasure craft licensed for commercial use
- Port Dues Concession: 50%
- Criteria: With valid MPA licence
Vessel Type: MPA-approved offshore support vessels
- Port Dues Concession: 50%
- Criteria: For Category 4 [port dues rate for offshore support vessels] activity from day 91 to 180 (equivalent to $0.50 per 100GT per day)
The concessions will be granted on top of all existing port dues concessions and effected via a reduced bill amount. Companies do not need to take any further action.
For companies with passenger-carrying ocean-going vessels covered under the Annual or 6-Month port dues scheme and/or licensed passenger-carrying harbour crafts and pleasure crafts for commercial use, MPA will issue credit note(s) to the companies. Companies do not need to take any further action.
II. Credit Management Measures
To ease MPA customers’ cash flow pressures, MPA will extend the credit management measures as set out below for another six months from 1 January to 30 June 2021.
Measure: Extension of credit terms between 1 January and 30 June 2021
Process: Customer to submit request to MPA by email.
III. Manpower and Productivity Support Measures
To encourage upskilling and strengthen longer-term capabilities, MPA will extend the measures [below] for another six months from 1 January to 30 June 2021.
Manpower and Productivity Measures for Companies and Individuals
Scheme: Maritime Cluster Fund Internship Reimbursement Scheme
Details: MPA will co-fund 50% of the internship allowance (capped at $500 per month per intern) paid by maritime companies, for up to six months…
Schemes: Maritime Cluster Fund – Manpower Development (Certifiable Courses) & Maritime Cluster Fund – Manpower Development (Short Courses) selected courses only
Details: MPA will increase its co-funding support up to 90%…
Scheme: Maritime Cluster Fund – Productivity
Details: MPA will increase its co-funding support up to 90%…
IV. Initiatives for Local Seafarers
To continue supporting Singaporean seafarers whose employment have been affected by the global COVID-19 outbreak, MPA, together with the Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) and the Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS), will extend the Seafarers Relief Package (SRP) for another six months, from 1 January to 30 June 2021. Singaporean seafarers who are unable to secure shipboard employment between 1 January to 30 June 2021 may apply for up to $700 per month in financial assistance, for a maximum of 6 months…
MPA, the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), SMOU and SOS, are jointly providing an Achievement Award (AA) scheme for local seafarers who have obtained their Certificate of Competency (CoC) 1. The AA scheme will reward eligible applicants up to $10,000 for the successful completion of the requirements laid out in Annex C. To encourage more locals to attain their CoC 1 and build up their proficiencies to assume key shore roles such as marine and technical superintendents, the scheme will be extended for an additional year from 1 January to 31 December 2021…
For any queries or clarifications on the above, please call the MPA hotline at 1800 272 7777, visit us at https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home/feedback.
(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com)
Source: Extracts from Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.44 of 2020 dated 8 December 2020
Terminal reopened
Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Buckeye Bahamas Hub, Bahamas
Following an improvement in the weather, Buckeye Bahamas Hub terminal reopened last night (8 December).
(For information about operation in the Bahamas, contact the GAC Houston Hub Agency Center at hub.us@gac.com)
Source: Elnet Maritime – GAC agent