Outlook 2021: Making diversity count, Covid-19 dash for cash and international CCP regulation

Monday 11 January 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.2.
Outlook 2021: Making diversity count
By Hani Kablawi in London
The investment industry leads others at measuring performance. Investment firms are increasingly aiming for more diverse workforces and are applying rigour to measuring and tracking this. A growing weight of evidence supports the business case for a diverse workforce. The investment industry can make a transformative contribution to society while strengthening itself with the greater experience, creativity and resiliency that employing people from different backgrounds can bring.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Meeting: Covid-19 dash for cash

Friday 29 January, 14:00-15:15 GMT
At the start of the Covid-19 crisis, financial markets experienced an abrupt ‘dash for cash’. CCPs were resilient in the face of stress. However, clearing is still a relatively new area of post-crisis reforms. Regulators will need to coordinate supervision to ensure that CCPs are functioning as they should be. Christina Segal-Knowles, executive director for financial market infrastructure at the Bank of England, discusses the questions at hand and the international coordination needed to tackle some of these challenges.
Request to attend the meeting.