Bleak day for Monaco… plus more

Good Morning Monaco – Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Bleak day for Monaco as 3 elderly patients die
Three residents, aged 82, 90 and 92, all of whom had tested positive for coronavirus, were reported to have died in the latest 24-hour period for which data is available.
Council expresses incomprehension over travel restrictions
The elected National Council has called for France to revoke coronavirus travel restrictions for Monaco residents.
Lockdown and domestic violence show little correlation
IMSEE, Monaco’s statistical office, which devotes much of its work to examining numerical differences between men and women, has reported an increase in violent acts against women in 2020 compared to 2019, to 39 from 33.
Minister of State and Clement Beaune meet in Paris
HE Pierre Dartout met Clément Beaune, France’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, on Tuesday, February 2, to discuss the draft association agreement between Monaco and the European Union, which has been under negotiation since 2015.
F1 team manager doubts GP will go ahead
Having enduring a turbulent 2020 season, Formula 1’s organisers and teams would surely be hoping for an easier season in 2021. However, the coronavirus pandemic continues to be omnipresent, casting a shadow of doubt over the first few races on the F1 calendar.