Final Reminder – Extension : Top 100 Women in Shipping nominations for 2020 under the auspices of – Voting

Dear all,
A very good morning / afternoon / evening all over Planet Ocean!
Hope you are all well and your businesses and organisations continue functioning as smoothly as possible under the Coronavirus anathema as we have branded this virus…
We would like to inform you that due to a surge in voting during these closing stages as well as the fact that many viewers, organisations, associations (even WISTA’s) and other individuals haven’t seen this announcement) – we have sent emails to all WISTAs, voting will remain open until Monday the 15th of February 2021 24:00 GMT for the Top Women in Shipping for 2020.
The previous year’s list and its finale became the most Popular Post of all times in Allaboutshipping!
Please send us your nomination on along with a max 100 (one hundred) words note including the full Name, Nationality, Occupation, Position and Company of the person you vote for. You can only vote for ONLY ONE Woman and only once (we see emails being repeated for the same person by the same sender).
The results, in a similar manner to last year, will be announced by close of business 19th of February 2021.
We also take his opportunity to thank some charities, companies, associations, and individuals who shared and or even included in their newsletters and other means of communication this event!
Thank you all, have a nice Valentine’s Weekend and Stay Safe.