Hot Port News from GAC

Mundra, India
Port Everglades, United States
Revised tariff structure
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Mundra, India
A revised tariff structure will come into effect from 1 April for vessels calling Mundra port.
For details of the new tariffs, as well as information about operations in India, contact GAC India at
Training & certification requirements for seafarers on ships subject to IGF Code
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Singapore
Masters, officers and ratings and other personnel serving on ships subject to the International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) are subject to training and certification requirements as follows.
Officers and ratings who are responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the IGF Code shall complete basic training in accordance with the provisions of section A-V/3 paragraph 1 of the STCW Code and hold certificate of proficiency (COP) in basic training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code.
Seafarers who hold valid COP, issued in accordance with regulation V/1-2 paragraphs 2 and 5 of the STCW Convention, for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations are considered to have met the requirements for basic training.
In addition to the requirements of basic training in paragraph 3 or 4, Masters, engineer officers, and all other personnel with immediate responsibility for the care and use of fuels and fuel systems on IGF Code ships shall hold certificate of proficiency (COP) in advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code completed the following:
i. an approved advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code, meeting the standards of competence specified in section A-V/3 paragraph 2 of the STCW Code;
ii. at least one month of approved sea service that includes a minimum of three bunkering operations on board ships subject to the IGF Code. Two of the three bunkering operations may be replaced by approved simulator training as part of the advanced training.
Officers who hold a valid COP, issued in accordance with regulation V/1-2 paragraphs 3 and 5 of the STCW Convention, in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations are considered to have met the requirements of advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code.
Holders of certificates of competency issued by MPA or those who have completed training in an approved institute in Singapore can apply for COPs at basic and advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code through MPA’s website or MARINET. The cost for application and issuance of a COP is Singapore Dollar $25. COPs have a validity of 5 years.
Holders of COP in basic or advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code, can apply for revalidation at intervals not exceeding 5 years. The requirements for revalidation are:
i. have completed at least three months sea service in total in the preceding 5 years on board a ship subject to the IGF Code or on board liquefied gas tankers;
ii. have attended an approved refresher training in basic or advanced level for service on ships subject to the IGF Code.
MPA will recognise COP in basic and advanced training for service on board Singapore registered ships subject to the IGF Code, issued by a foreign maritime administration whose certificates of competency are recognised by MPA…
(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Shipping Circular To Shipowners No.5 of 2021 dated 8 March 2021
COVID test required for off-signers
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Port Everglades, United States
In an effort to ensure that foreign crew signing-off as D-2s can board commercial flight and safely depart from the United States as required, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Port Everglades Seaport will require a negative COVID-19 test prior to granting any crewmember D2 status. The test may be administered on the vessel (for those that have that capacity), at last port call (if within 48 hours) or once the vessel arrives into Port Everglades, Florida.
If the test is to be administered in Port Everglades, the crewmember will be granted D1 status upon arrival for the sole purpose to travel to the test site. At the completion of the test, the crewmember must return to the vessel; to await the test results. If the test results are not available prior to the vessel’s departure, the crewmember must depart with the vessel. Under no circumstances will the crewmember be allowed to remain in the United States to await test results.
If a crewmember tests positive, the crewmember must be quarantined onboard the vessel unless they experience severe symptoms that require hospitalization. Any crewmembers requiring hospitalization must be paroled for medical treatment and the accompany CBP medical parole documentation must be submitted.
Lastly, any unforeseen issues that prevent the above listed procedures from being met must be immediately addressed with the CBP Port Director for his review and consideration…
(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at
Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Fort Lauderdale, Information Bulletin No.21-02
Country to open to visitors
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Seychelles
On 25 March, the Seychelles will open to all visitors irrespective of their vaccination status. The only country from which visitors/crew will temporarily not be permitted is South Africa.
Visitors will be required to present a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure. There will be no quarantine requirement nor restriction on movements upon entry into Seychelles. However, visitors/crew will still be required to adhere to the public health measures in place in view of the pandemic.
(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the Seychelles, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at
Source: Mahe Shipping Company – GAC network agent