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V.Group calls upon shipping industry to do more to attract talent to the sector

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V.Group calls upon shipping industry to do more to attract talent to the sector

Bjoern Sprotte, CEO of Ship Management at V.Group

Ship management company V.Group has released the third discussion paper in its ‘Life After Lockdown’ series. The latest focuses on talent in the maritime industry.

Each Life After Lockdown paper shines a spotlight on a specific area of maritime operations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and sets out key lessons learned.

Aimed at stimulating debate, the papers challenge long-established ways the industry operates by posing questions and inviting the views of others.

The latest paper, ‘Attracting Talent to the Maritime Industry’, looks at how the pandemic has affected recruitment in the sector, focusing on both onshore and offshore talent.

Topics covered include image and perceptions of the shipping industry, the digital skills gap, graduate and seafarer recruitment and engagement. The paper also discusses how the pandemic has affected flexible working in the sector and the long-term implications of this.

Bjoern Sprotte, CEO of Ship Management at V.Group, said:

“Although the pandemic is still impacting our industry, our discussion papers look to the future.  Recruitment is a challenge in ‘normal’ times and the pandemic has highlighted more than ever the need to have the right candidates driving our industry forward. Seafarers and onshore colleagues play an essential role in the global economy and it is imperative that we attract a broad range of talent to fit roles at all levels. Crucially, as an industry, we must do more to futureproof our talent pool.”

You can view and download a copy of the third paper “Attracting Talent to the Maritime Industry” here

V.Group has 60 offices in 30 countries across the globe and access to an international network of over 44,000 seafarers across all sectors.

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