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Home HRAirline Industry Capes and Panamaxes “kept” and will “keep” the BDI buoyant; Wets on a …free fall amid explosive Geopolitics coupled with Coronavirus’ uncertainty…

Capes and Panamaxes “kept” and will “keep” the BDI buoyant; Wets on a …free fall amid explosive Geopolitics coupled with Coronavirus’ uncertainty…

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Capes and Panamaxes “kept” and will “keep” the BDI buoyant; Wets on a …free fall amid explosive Geopolitics coupled with Coronavirus’ uncertainty…

John Faraclas

The BDI ended up 38 points since yesterday and now stands at 2,178 – that’s what we look for: the BDI maintaining the 2,000 points threshold; all thanks to both Capes and Panamaxes. Eyebrows for the Wets. On the Geopolitical front, things got sour since our last report to an extent that we expect to witness despicable developments on the world stage… The Coronavirus anathema is calling a fast one on all, thanks to the undisciplined public, not to mention irresponsibility by politicians and their cronies. John Faraclas’ midweek brief recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up nine points since yesterday at 3,151 and despite this minor rise, things look promising…

The Panamaxes’ BDI triple-digit rise of 119 points was well received in the shipowning fraternity as the 2,000 points were regained; at 2,017 same will make waves!

Minor but very much needed nine points for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,783…

11 points lost from the Handies’ BHSI now at 1,004; caution…

Shipowners and Shipmanagers should feel content with today’s earnings; end of the story…

The Wets fall continuous; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 612 – minus two and 567 – minus 17 points respectively. Difficult das ahead unless…

As the tourist season “has” to begin in the Northern Hemisphere, we await to see what will happen and in particular with Cruise ships as Coronavirus has inflicted a perplexed situation and nobody really knows what’s next… Watch this space…

The WTI rose nearly US$ 3 since yesterday (US$60.18) and now stands at US$ 63.15. Ultra caution should be observed as whatever is above the US$ 40 mark is disastrous for the 7.7 billion people on Planet Ocean – an issue we repeatedly mention each time the WTI goes over and above this forty dollar limit…

Despite all the above and for the sake of the Environment – 2030 and 2050, now is the appropriate time to build new ships using new technology and propulsion – we favor Wind Power!

The Geopolitical front got worse over the last month and wonder who will manage to control the coming avalanche of events. Is Biden determined not just to make America better for Americans, but also Planet Ocean still needs an ultra-powerful USA to run with justice World Affairs… Let’s begin:

The Migrants still cause turbulences not just in the Aegean and in the entire Med but also beyond these geographical regions. Turkey continues to use this as a blackmail weapon… not just as a tool. For a start, it is Brussels to blame; end of the story. One day, wonder if these puppets in Brussels could find a place to hide…. Shame and Despicable!

We now have two faulty lines; one which we mention all the time from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses down to the Horn of Africa and a second one which resurfaced, from the Straits of Dover to St. Petersburg – with the inclusion of the three Baltic States, always targeted by the Kremlin…

In the first faulty line we are witnessing a disorder by Turkey and its backers and soon the shit will hit the fan; just wait and see…

In the second one we have the inclusion on Nord Stream 2 which looks likely that same will lead, together with a possible escalation in Eastern Ukraine, to the preamble of another Cold War – already sanctions are flying around and diplomats are expelled on a tit for tat basis and will take “its” tool…

In the first faulty line, the one end, Afghanistan, will soon be without US Forces and might, conversely NATO ones; wonder what will happen there by the Taliban. It’s Americas longest war… 20 odd years… What’s the end result please? We cannot live with uncertainty… The Soviets “lost” in Afghanistan, “fine”, but how will us in the West accept the continuation of a non-humane rule there… Humanity MUST go forward and not backwards…CAUTION!

In the Med, particularly in Central and East Med including the Aegean and Black Seas, Turks jeopardise supported by their backers and German led EU… and pester not only Greece and Cyprus but the entire region interfering in the Balkans and Caucuses too – the recent Armenian and Azeri conflict speaks alone over Nagorno-Karabakh…

The Ukraine – Russian “conflict” nearby might go off hand and Turkish interference is also evident…

Turkey plays with fire and wonder what will happen if either the Dardanelles or Bosporus Straits close as a result of wider hostilities…

At the South East, in the Middle East and its wider periphery, things are getting worse too…

The EU remains in tatters and wonder what short of Union we have… Following Brexit, things aren’t rosy for either side of the British Channel…

BREXIT itself has a long way to go – add the Northern Ireland issue too.

All EU states face prolonged economic issues, which coupled with the Coronavirus anathema, create mess and soon we shall see Centre-left regimes in many countries.

Watch the entire North African coast… Enigmatic and explosive too…

At the other side of the Atlantic and in particular in the North, focusing the USA we have to say that the Biden Administration will surprise all. The president is determined to turn America upside down and offer a stable and sustainable future for 325 million plus Americans as well as flex USA’s muscles in all fronts – that’s the only way out given the Russian and Chinese behavior. The next three months – short term and next two years, “long term”, are crucial. Watch a new USA rising!

Canada and Mexico – two different nations form the rest of the North American trio with different issues but one way or another they get forward, thanks to the USA.-

Central and South Latin America continues as before and with Venezuela being, still, the focal point, many things can develop in the rest – not favorable though… Let’s see post-Castros Cuba – Raoul ends his 60 year tenure…Post-Covid, tourism and in particular Maritime Tourism might save Cuba financially, as well as the rest in the Caribbean…

Africa as a continent: M E S S Y, as the superpowers’ proxy wars continue relentlessly… With one or two exemptions, all governments survive on borough time… Now, add the recent Suez Canal incident with the mega-containership Ever Given, still stranded in the Great Bitter Lake and the legalities surrounding her as well as what might be another scenario… Shipping people with experience simply cannot “fully” digest what happened. It is always on the cards, and we adhere to this, that this particular canal, one way or another will create issues in harming Chinese trade… We hope we are wrong… Commercial Geopolitical issues always count… China’s commercial offensive via the Suez Canal as well as the Silk Road will be its stumbling block…

South Sudan, South Africa, Eritrea, Ehiopia, Somalia, Niger to name but a few states are in trouble… CAUTION!

In the Pacific Basin; |south China Sea and Taiwan – both targeted by China will cause friction with its relations with the Biden Administration… Japan is closely watching besides the North Korean jeopardy – nothing ended there… Former USA president Trump couldn’t finish the job… Hesitation is the enemy of success…

Can you imagine China staying out of the Australian trade…

Can you imagine closing the Straits of Hormuz how Iranian oil will reach China… And what will happen to Iraq and the other Gulf States…

Can you imagine, as said above, the Suez Canal closing… due to hostilities as everything is possible given the situ in the wider Arabian Peninsula, eh!

Expect Tsunamis as Planet Ocean is on fire… with ESPIONAGE being the name of the game… Expect soon many revelations…

Did I hear you say Coronavirus? Well, as we predicted Covid-19 is here to stay. We urge all to get vaccinated…

We urge WHO (World Health Organisation) to create ONE VACCINE to speed up saving us… All the rest is the Media’s despicable, as usual policy leading to mess… Come on… We need just one Vaccine, a Convergence  one, end of the story…

We need all Planet Ocean’s citizens to become DISCIPLINED and the POLITICIANS  R E S P O N S I B L E!

We need Law and Order to observe the performance of the protocols, otherwise KISS!

The Human Race overstay its welcome on Planet Ocean and in the last 10,000 many things changed. In the last 121 years too many things changed and in the last 50… don’t ask… This is how many virus  spread particularly, with animals – take chicken and pigs for example how we breed them… I let you search and find the reason, then you will understand.

MIND YOUR MASK, is our message to all those mickey-moussing about… Wear it properly and stop the macho and egoist attitude. It’s a big Shame what we witness every day all over Planet Ocean!

Have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red over US$ 300 (threehundred) trillion…

This midweek recap is the preamble of CAUTION as things go off hand and we must ensure control.

MIND YOUR MASK, is our message to all those mickey-moussing about… Wear it properly and stop the macho and egoist attitude. It’s a big Shame what we witness every day all over Planet Ocean – don’t ask me in airport were we have documented an unprecedented situation!

 P.S. Despite the appropriate demand of Documents, and Tests and pre-paid tests needed to fly, airline ground personnel and airport security on health issues DO NOT OBSERVE performance of measures. DO   N O T  let boarding begin unless you are satisfied with the distance kept among boarding passengers…SHAME! Suppliers too must ensure they do not offer expired milk and air hostesses and ground personnel should double check dates!!!

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