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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies ONE is added to ISO9001 certification registry of ClassNK

ONE is added to ISO9001 certification registry of ClassNK

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ONE is added to ISO9001 certification registry of ClassNK

From the right: Mr. Jeremy Nixon, Chief Executive Officer, ONE, Mr. Hiroaki Sakashita, President and CEO, ClassNK, Mr. Tetsuya Hayashi, Regional Manager of Southeast Asia and Oceania, ClassNK
Singapore/Tokyo – ClassNK has registered Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd. (ONE) to its registry of ISO9001(Quality Management System/QMS):2015 certification.
During the QMS construction of ONE for further safety of the fleet, ClassNK had been assigned as the certification body by ONE and completed the initial audit process in Mar. 2021. The certificate delivering ceremony was held at ONE’s headquarter, connected to ClassNK Tokyo on 13 Apr. Speaking on the opportunity Mr. Hiroaki Sakashita, President and CEO of ClassNK said “I’m honored to add ONE to our ISO9001 registry. Our audit team has confirmed ONE’s strong commitment for ensuring sound quality management for safety as well as compliance to the standards, and ClassNK has been happy to participate in ONE’s quality management as a QMS certification body.”

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