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He Has Risen

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He Has Risen

During the divine Resurrection Holy Liturgy

by John Faraclas

This was yet another Easter “Celebration”  – spoiled by the Coronavirus Anathema for a second year running, for all  2,4 billion Christians all over Planet Ocean, with 2 billion having “celebrated” same on the 4th of April – Catholics, Protestants et al, and 400 million Orthodox – Hellenes [(Greek and Greek Cypriots), Slavs, Copts et al tonight]. The …good thing is that the Orthodox one, fell within International Labour’s Day Anniversary, so all things being equal, the Orthodox …faithful lot is pleased that all observe a holiday, including the addition of the Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom this coming Monday, Second Day of Easter for the Orthodox! Sheer luck… so many will mingle at ease with their Orthodox brothers and sisters in parks, open-air restaurants, home or communal gardens and greens, and coastlines with some having the traditional lamb on the spit, but all MUST observe and keep the health protocols in the fight against Covid-19!

Today, Tonight is The Harrowing of Hell, were Christ won over Death and the Resurrection becomes a reality so to speak:

Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And to those in the tombs
He has given life!

(the above is a free translation from the Greek:

Χριστός Ανέστη εκ νεκρών
θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας
και τοις εν τοις μνήμασιν
ζωήν χαρισάμενος!)

It is about time for all Christians to observe Easter on the same date. The Eastern Christianity recognises a different date because they follow the Julian calendar, the Western Christians follow the Gregorian one; by the way, Great Britain changed to the Gregorian calendar in 1752… But in Business, say in Shipping, we observe ONE calendar. Wake up! Same applies with the split between mainly the Slavs and few others that celebrate Christmas on a different Date – at least the Hellenes (Greeks) – who Christianised the Slavs and others during the Byzantine Millennium era, have the 25th of December as Christmas Day!!! Scientists and High Priests MUST come down to their senses! Politics MUST stay out of this – you dead well know what I mean…  Pragmatism MUST prevail!

For the …record, it is worth noting that in the 21st Century there are “same” day “coincidental” occasions – 31 to be precise when East and West celebrate together, but after 2099 we will have together, the same  Easter Day after 801 years, i.e: in 2,900 A.D !!! In the next 21 years, until 2042, Easter will be “common” in 2025, 2028, 2031, 2034, 2037 and 2041!!

Love was Christ’s Scope and Message; for This Love we all hope: for a Catharsis of our Souls and Minds, for Healthy Bodies, Love in Pain, Sorrow and Happiness AND HOPE! Darkness has lost to the Light of Truth, Life prevails over Death… Indeed the Crucifixion of Jesus by his own compatriots using the Roman occupants / rulers in Judea as a leaver, teach us all a great lesson as we still see today, nearly two millennia, the same forces of Darkness wanting / demanding to destroy Humanity by using exploitation and greediness – see how society tackles Covid-19 and the Vaccinegate will “crucify” / punish the lot… soon!

Archbishop Nikitas “passing on” the Holy Light..

We witnessed earlier on tonight a very special liturgy, the smallest I have ever been present in  London at the Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary next to the Archdiocese of Thyateira  and Great Britain compound, as the Cathedral of Saint Sophia was closed to worshippers due to Covid-19. We were given a special gift, the traditional red egg nicely packed in a nice little gift box; excellent and touching! Archbishop Nikitas officiated. Spotted a couple of friends from the London Shipping Fraternity, Academia, Business, as well as the Greek Consul Konstantinos Adamopoulos and few others. All in all one hundred worshippers, mostly on the pavement.

Archbishop’s Red Easter Egg nicely wrapped for the occassion

On the Greek Island of Chios in the North Eastern Aegean, at the seaside town of Vrontados, the traditional Annual Rocket War – just after the priests declare in the Psalm that He Has Risen, as we were advised by our local Chios Marine Club members, same took place at midnight and we were lucky to have this news here on time due to the two hours difference. This year, the rockets didn’t target the Bell Tower of Saint Markos and Panagia Erythiani, but …reached the skies! Well done!

He Has Risen! Enjoy with care Easter Sunday and Stay Safe.

Our thoughts are with the thousands of Seafarers now at sea, thousands of miles away from their homes and loved ones keeping the supply chain of all goods and services alive and moving and seen in our shops’ shelves!!!  Emanating from a Shipping and Seafaring family, I know the feeling… Safe Journeys and let us see society – mainly politicians via the IMO REALLY and not superficially honor them. Maria Dixon has embarked on a crusade so to speak in supporting Seafarers and how same are treated!

*Our Easter Egg design this year honors also the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution (1821-2021) against the Ottoman yoke, hence the colors. A concept by Nicholas Faraklas and the allaboutshipping team.

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