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Home EnergyAlternative Sources of Energy Enigmatic Dry and Wet markets, Perplexed Geopolitics whilst Coronavirus is here to stay…

Enigmatic Dry and Wet markets, Perplexed Geopolitics whilst Coronavirus is here to stay…

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Enigmatic Dry and Wet markets, Perplexed Geopolitics whilst Coronavirus is here to stay…

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained 45 points since yesterday and now stands at 2,869, but lost 70 since last Friday the 14th of May 2021 when it stood at 2,939 losing also the 2,900 points threshold. Wets still grounded although we had some weekly “gains”. The Geopolitics not only remain perplexed, they will produce despicable situations and encounters as manipulators, instead of making and cementing Peace, they provoke chaos. The Coronavirus Anathema is here to stay and for the time being, the only remedy is to vaccinate all humans all over Planet Ocean reducing the risks due from forthcoming mutations. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The Capes’ BCI was up 116 points surpassing once again the 3,900 points threshold and now reads 3,930. On a weekly basis though, the BCI was down 235 points since last week (14/05) when same stood at 4,165 points and losing the 4,000 and 4,100 points threshold. Volatility strikes yet again…

Falling Panamaxes with the BPI down 15 points at 2,855; 106 points down since last week’s 2,961 with the loss of the 2,900 points threshold…

Supras’ BSI surpassed the 2,400 points threshold and now read 2,408; the weekly gains 111 points – up from 2,297 points…

Minimal but positive gains for the Handies’ BHSI now at 1,317 points – up seven. Gains also on a weekly basis with 48 plus points from last week’s 1,269 enabling the Handies to go over the 1,300 points.

All in all, a good Dry Market and remember: anything above the 2,000 points is safe for the BDI and the Dry Market in general. Breathe!

The Wets still very low; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 615 – up five and 538 – down two points respectively… On a weekly basis the Dirties were up five – from 610 and the Cleans up 21 from 517 points respectively… CAUTION, as we need to see for both the 1,000-point mark being conquered…

The WTI was up US$ 2,64 since yesterday (US$ 61.94) and now reads US$ 63.58; on a weekly basis the WTI was down US$ 1.79 (from US$ 65.35) … C A U T I O N as we need, what we repeat almost in every reporting: a US$ 39.99 level!!!

Geopolitics: the Week of MIGRANTS and displaced people as well as the week of sheer madness in the Israeli – Palestinian conflict (lasted 11 days this time). Both sides in my humble view fought a losing battle. Expect soon a new order there, as the US factor with the “eulogy” of Joe Biden will lead one way or another to the two states solution; watch this space… You cannot always have what you want… On a local level, the people from both sides MUST come to terms with the two states solution and same to be nicely projected on an ecumenical level. This situation cannot go on despite the “solutions” tried in the past which spectacularly failed since 1948 including four full scale wars, many mini conflicts and human drama for both sides, and, trade wise the closure of the Suez Canal; E N O U G H! Third party elements, particularly “interwoven” with religion and fanatism, MUST stay completely out.

On the Coronavirus front, as said in the preamble, as a first step, which might ensure survival for all, is an all-out vaccination. In the short term, we will see things get worse, but in the long term, things will ease down. We approach the ten percent of global vaccinations and need to speed up as well as to see wealthy nations “share” life with poor nations and save them as well as combine/share this with all and save the majority… It is simply: all about life! We are going to be better off as we can defend ourselves against the various mutations / variants so to speak and survive! Reducing the time between the two doses can also be a formidable and decisive response and save more lives.

Watch-out the aftermath of opening up Tourism and for us in the Shipping Industry, Maritime Tourism… amid Coronavirus; I guess same should and could have been delayed… Time and results will tell…

Time to ensure also we save the Environment and stop mickey-moussing around. We need per mare per terra to reach the goal of zero emissions not by 2050, but by 2030. We can increase a ten-fold wind, sea and solar power programme; we can. It is an issue to ostracise all the greedy business hooligans involved in oil and gas and use all the alternative sources of energy. Remember what we write and insist herein as well as in conferences we participate in our capacity either delegates, speakers or moderators from time to time; Using the ASE’s only one thing will happen: BIG MONEY WILL CHANGE HANDS!

Lastly, we MUST reduce the Global debt now in the tune of just over US$ 300 trillion! Add the cancerous issue of unemployment increasing day by day and see where we stand amid the worse ever Recession!

More news soon…

On another note and tone today we celebrate all over Planet Ocean The Day of Saints Constantine and Helen, the Equal-to-the-Apostoles. We urge you to read their story and try to see the significance after nearly 1,684 years from Emperor’s Constantine’s passing away!

Have a nice evening as well as weekend and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red over US$ 300 (three hundred) trillion…   

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