French administration brings out big guns…

Good Morning Monaco – Friday, August 27, 2021
French administration brings out its big guns
Anxious to prove that everything is pretty much under control as schools prepare for the annual big event – rentrée – on Thursday next week, a slew of government ministers took to the airwaves of France…
Macron caught between left and right
On a visit to Dublin on Thursday, President Macron hit back at claims from political opponents on the right that he had been naive in his approach to the Afghan crisis which entered a new stage of meltdown after bomb attacks in Kabul.
Seven new coronavirus cases in Monaco
Seven Monaco residents tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday, August 26. Five residents were declared fully-recovered.
Topless sunbathing reaches rock bottom
As the world celebrates World Topless Day (August 26), the most recent figures show that the practice of sunbathing topless in France has fallen to a record low.