FONASBA Issues Sustainable Development Declaration – a call to action for ship agents and ship brokers

With the environmental and sustainability proϐile of shipping under scrutiny as never before, all the component sectors must play their part in achievingreal reductions in emissions and enhancements in sustainability – and ship agents and ship brokers are no different.
Compared to the shipping and port sectors, for example, the overall emissions footprint of both professions is relatively small, but the role of the broker and agent in guiding, informing, and supporting shipowners and charterers, from the ϐixing of the vessel to completion of the port call, means they have a speciϐic and inϐluential role to play in ensuring that the voyage is as clean and green as possible.
With COP26 imminent, and to encourage the ship broking and ship agency sectors to take positive action to support the overall aims of reducing emissions and enhancing sustainability, FONASBA, the international representative body for ship agents and ship brokers, has today issued its Sustainable Development Declaration. Equally applicable to those working directly in those professions as to the national associations that support and represent them, and to FONASBA itself, the Declaration provides guidance to enable ship agents and ship brokers in playing an active and effective role alongside other industry partners.
Viewers can read here below a copy of the Declaration*.
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FONASBA is the only organisation representing the global ship agency and ship broking professions. Established in 1969, it now has 77 members in 65 countries, including all major maritime and trading nations. Its remit is to “promote and protect the professions of ship agency and ship broking worldwide”, a task which it undertakes through dialogue with its member associations and its consultative status with IMO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL and the World Customs Organisation, as well with the European Commission and other regional bodies. FONASBA also enjoys reciprocal memberships with the Baltic Exchange, BIMCO, the Comité Maritime International, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO, the International Port Community Systems Association, indemnity insurer ITIC and the Shipbrokers’ Register and works closely with all other maritime sector bodies, both internationally and in Europe.
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Acknowledging that:
There is an urgent need for global action to ensure the future health, prosperity and well-being of humanity and address the environmental and climate threats to our planet through the application of sustainable development policies and outcomes
Overarching global agreements, based on sound and proven principles, are vital in ensuring consistent and effective action
The global maritime community is an enabler of international trade and a driver of economic growth, but is also a source of atmospheric and marine pollution
Ship agents and ship brokers are vital components of the global maritime community and therefore have a stake in the implementation of effective policies to reduce harmful and polluting emissions and ensure the development of sustainable solutions to promote ongoing economic development
Recognising that:
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships
The work of IMO supports the UN Sustainable Development goals
The international maritime community is already engaged in developing ambitious, binding, consistent and effective global standards, and measures for reducing pollution and emissions by ships and in ports, under the authority of IMO
Shipping operates globally and therefore only comprehensive international solutions involving all stakeholders can contribute to the development of effective solutions to the reduction in harmful and polluting emissions
International trade and shipping must be able to continue operating efϐiciently to contribute to reductions in emissions, sustainable development, and economic progress
The shipping industry has already had signiϐicant success in reducing ship emissions by using more efϐicient propulsion units, cleaner fuels, better vessel design, exhaust scrubbers and shore-based power supplies and other technical innovations
Ports are actively reducing their emissions using renewable energy, electric propulsion for cargo handling equipment and improved port waste management protocols
FONASBA is the international representative organisation for ship brokers and ship agents and is represented in 65 countries
It has consultative status with IMO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, UN/CEFACT, the World Customs Organisation and the European Commission. FONASBA promotes and protects the ship broking and ship agency professions worldwide by supporting the development of effective, appropriate, and relevant international legislation, polices, and procedures through close cooperation with those bodies and those organisations representing shipowners and other parties in the maritime transport chain
FONASBA and its members recognise that ship brokers and ship agents have an important role to play in supporting the introduction of appropriate and effective policies to reduce harmful emissions and support sustainable development FONASBA and its member associations hereby declare their commitment to:
Continuing to support the actions of the International Maritime Organisation, shipowners, port operators and other parties in the global maritime transport industry in developing relevant and appropriate policies and technologies to achieve the required reductions in harmful emissions and in supporting sustainable development
Promoting awareness of the need for sustainable development and emissions reductions
Encouraging ship brokers to use their position as the representatives of the ship owner and charterer during the ϐixing of a vessel to assist both parties to act on their responsibilities in reducing harmful emissions and supporting sustainable development at all stages of the value chain, providing information on environmental impact mitigation policies and strategies along the vessel route and facilities for vessel route planning and supporting the sustainable disposal of vessels
Encouraging ship agents to use their position as the coordinator of the port call and representatives of the parties engaged therein, to provide information on measures available in the port to reduce harmful emissions and support sustainable development, by example on the availability of clean fuels, shoreside power, disposal facilities for ship-generated waste, national local and port regulations relating to environmentalcompliance and advising on sustainable solutions for the inward and outward transportof cargoes beyond the port
FONASBA will encourage the international ship agency and ship broking communities to adopt and promote sustainable actions and policies within their own companies and amongst their customers, suppliers and in the local community. Such actions could comprise reducing consumption of power, segregation and recycling of ofϐice waste, the use of public or clean transport modes, enhancing the environment and supporting community projects. Initiatives in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact will also be encouraged. FONASBA, London, October