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Home Banking Policy-makers must learn from past to navigate uncertain post-Covid-19 future

Policy-makers must learn from past to navigate uncertain post-Covid-19 future

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Policy-makers must learn from past to navigate uncertain post-Covid-19 future

Tuesday 23 November 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.47.2

Commentary: Look at 1960s, not 1970s, to learn how US inflation took hold

By David Marsh in London

Central bankers have been playing down concerns about higher inflation by affirming there is no danger of a return to the wage-price spirals of the 1970s. In examining historical parallels with America’s latest 6.2% inflation rate, analysts may be looking at the wrong period. The 1960s story of the Fed’s unsuccessful fight against rising prices shows striking similarities to today’s patterns – providing uncomfortable lessons for Fed Chair Jerome Powell.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: GPP 2021 launch: Navigating uncertainty

Tuesday 7 December, 14:00-15:30 GMT

Public pensions are at the heart of global changes relating to sustainability, geopolitics and international finance. The Covid-19 pandemic and uncertain economic outlook have further complicated these unfolding challenges. OMFIF’s Global Public Pensions 2021 report seeks to examine the public pensions sector through these lenses, identify the key drivers of uncertainty and address the obstacles. This launch will highlight and discuss the key findings covered in OMFIF’s second GPP report.

Register to attend here

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