05 Jan 2022, Bahamas***ANY CONCERNS UNTIL THE WEEKEND WILL INVOLVE CONVECTIVE ACTIVITY*** Buckeye Bahamas Hub Terminal –PORT OPEN Equinor South Riding Point Terminal – UNDER REPAIRS Offshore Lightering- Weather Conditions FAVORABLE for STS operations at Offshore ,Freeport , Bahamas For information about operations in the Bahamas, contact the GAC Houston Hub Agency Center at hub.us@gac.com Source: Elnet Maritime Limited – GAC network agent Read more »
Introduction of Port Fees at Ras Tanura/Juaymah by Saudi Aramco
05 Jan 2022, Ras Tanura/Juaymah Effective from 01 April 2022. Ras Tanura & Juaymah Marine Terminal Assistance Fees 1. General Terms and Conditions 1.1 General Saudi Aramco provides a wide range of services at Ras Tanura Port to support visiting tanker’s operational requirements from their arrival to their departure. This appendix outlines the fees applicable for such services. 1.2 Payment The Owners, Operators and Charterers of any ship calling at Ras Tanura or Juaymah Terminals are jointly liable to pay Saudi Aramco for services, which may be done through an approved ship agent. Liable parties shall ensure payment is made timeously. Once full payment is received from any of the forementioned parties, no further obligation shall rest on the others. Failure to pay fees on time may result in the refusal to grant acceptance to the ship for future calls at the port. 1.3 Applicable Terminals Services and charges listed in this document are applicable to all terminals within the boundaries of Ras Tanura Port (which includes Juaymah). 2. Ras Tanura Port and Terminal Services The following mandatory services are provided to all tanker vessels calling at Ras Tanura Port and Terminals. 2.1 Harbor Pilotage All movements of vessels to and from berths in the proximity of Saudi Aramco facilities shall be under the direction of a Saudi Aramco Harbor Pilot. Ras Tanura Port provides a mandatory licensed and authorized Harbor Pilot service, offering local knowledge and navigational support to each ship. The fee is charged linearly proportional to the gross tonnage of the ships. 2.2 Pilot Transfer / Transportation The transportation service includes all necessary modes of transport the Harbor Pilot to and from the ships. 2.3 Tug Boats The services of tug boats, including docking tugs, provided to each ship to support safe maneuvering to and from berths. 2.4 Mooring Boats (SPM only) At all Juaymah SPM Buoys, purpose-built boats are provided to each ship regardless of its size. These boats will carry out a range of SPM activities such as mooring and unmooring, cargo hose maneuvering for connection and disconnection needs and will also offer support while a vessel is on a buoy. 3. Disclaimer The fees listed in this document address the provision of services in the ordinary course, and do not account for delays or possible operational impacts. Outside the scope of these ordinary services, additional fees may apply. Such fees are dealt with on case by case basis and not necessarily covered in this appendix. 4. Table of Charges These tables are accurate as of 1st April, 2022. 4.1 Ras Tanura Terminals (North Pier and Sea Island) Fee Category: A Summer Deadweight: 0 – 10,000 Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 3,409 Mooring Boats: NA Fee Category: B Summer Deadweight: 10,001 – 80,000 Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 8,938 Mooring Boats: NA Fee Category: C Summer Deadweight: $ 8,938 Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 16,490 Mooring Boats: NA Fee Category: D Summer Deadweight: 130,001 – 200,000 Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 26,018 Mooring Boats: NA Fee Category: E Summer Deadweight: 200,001 and higher Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 29,078 Mooring Boats: NA 4.2 Juaymah NGL Fee Category: F Summer Deadweight: All Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.05 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats: $ 12,014 Mooring Boats: NA 4.3 Juaymah SPM Fee Category: G Summer Deadweight: All Pilotage per Gross Ton: $ 0.0708 Pilot Transfer: $ 2,966 Tug Boats:$ 9,673 Mooring Boats: $ 21,017 Notes to the tables of charges • Each fee listed is per visit. • Fees in the tables are exclusive of value added tax (VAT). • Fees are subject to change at any time, and notification in this regard may be only to the ship’s agent. . Calculation Example A ship calling Ras Tanura, Sea Island with a summer DWT of 160,000 and GT of 81,000. The port call was smooth with no issues. She is calling Sea Island Berth 19. Therefore, as per table 4.1, she falls into the (D) fee category. Total Fees per port call are calculated as follows: Pilotage + Pilot Transfer + Tug Boats ($ 0.05 x 81,000) + ($ 2,966) + ($ 26,018) = $ 33,034 For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Saudi Arabia, contact the GAC Saudi Arabia at saudi@gac.com Source: Saudi Aramco, COSMD-145/2021 Read more »
Changes to COVID-19 travel restrictions in Pakistan
05 Jan 2022, Pakistan The Federal Government of Pakistan via Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has decided to abolish Category B and Category C Country Lists with effect from 5 January 2022… Read more »
Removal of Marine Working Platforms and Marker Buoys
05 Jan 2022, Changi East Applicable to: Mariners operating in waters off Changi East / With effect from 4 Jan 2022 to 28 June2022 Off Changi East, within the working area bounded by the following coordinates: (WGS 84 Datum) POINT 1 Latitude (N): 01° 18.684′ Longitude (E): 104° 00.286′ POINT 2 Latitude (N): 01° 18.591′ Longitude (E): 104° 00.382′ POINT 3 Latitude (N): 01° 18.356′ Longitude (E): 104° 00.789′ POINT 4 Latitude (N): 01° 18.591′ Longitude (E): 104° 00.789′ Working Hours: 24H daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. Craft Name: HB 1 Harbour Craft Licence No. SR 3822I Description: Work Barge Name: RS SYNERGY Harbour Craft Licence No. SR 3331F Description: Work Boat Name: RS VISSION Harbour Craft Licence No. SR3785J Description: Work Boat / Safety Boat These craft will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals. Details: Removal of marine working platforms and marker buoys will be carried out using work boats and barge. A safety boat will be deployed to warn other craft in the vicinity of the working area. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr J.M. Kwak, Project manager, at Tel:9116 3380 (email:kwakjm@hdec.co.kr). Caution: When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to: a) Keep well clear and not to enter the working area; b) Maintain a proper lookout; c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution; d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 (East Control); and e) Communicate with East Control for assistance, if required. For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com Source: MPA Singapore, Port Marine Notice 001 of 2022 Read more »
Water Sampling off Pulau Seletar
05 Jan 2022, Pulau Seletar Applicable to: Mariners operating in the vicinity of Pulau Seletar With Effect from 04 January 2022 to 03 July 2022 Off Pulau Seletar, at the following co-ordinates: (WGS 84 Datum) POINT 1 Latitude (N) 1⁰ 26.161’ Longitude (E) 103⁰ 51.747’ POINT 2 Latitude (N) 1⁰ 26.178’ Longitude (E) 103⁰ 51.782’ POINT 3 Latitude (N) 1⁰ 26.137’ Longitude (E) 103⁰ 51.812’ POINT 4 Latitude (N) 1⁰ 26.115’ Longitude (E) 103⁰ 51.775’ Working Hours: 0700hrs to 1800hrsdaily, including Sundays and Public Holidays Craft Name: SSE Ashley Harbour Craft Licence No. SR 3363D Description: Work Boat/Safety Boat Name: SSE Angelina Harbour Craft Licence No. SR 2202J Description: Work Boat Name: SSE Alexandra Harbour Craft Licence No. SR 2845B Description: Work Boat Name: SR3991H Harbour Craft Licence No. SR3991H Description: Work Boat These craft will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals. Details: The water samplings will be carried out using floating devices anchored to the seabed. Work boats will be used to position these devices. A safety boat will be deployed to warn other craft to keep clear of the area during the installation of the floating devices. Further enquires relating to the project can be directed to Ms.Jacqueline Tham, Project Manager,at Tel: +65 9276 6321, email:singapore@hydrobiology.com. Caution: When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to: a) Keep well clear and not to enter the work area; b) Maintain a proper lookout; c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution; d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 21 (Sembawang Control); and e) Communicate with Sembawang Control for assistance, if required. For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com Source: MPA Singapore, Port Marine Notice No. 002 of 2022 Read more »
Coronavirus Outbreak Advisories
05 Jan 2022, Worldwide
Please find links below for the latest updates of COVID-19 outbreak advisories as compiled from the information received from our various port offices… Read more »