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Home HRAcademia Top Women in Shipping – a Thank you note by Irene Rosberg

Top Women in Shipping – a Thank you note by Irene Rosberg

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It is an incredible honour to be announced number 1 out of the top 100 women in the shipping industry for a second consecutive year.   I owe this prestigious award and recognition to all those in the maritime community who supported me along this journey. 

Most of all I owe this success to my participants and graduates of the Blue MBA whom I consider my partners and whose engagement, motivation, dedication, and desire to give back to this industry helped create the world’s best leadership education serving the maritime sector. 

We proved that we can indeed go beyond welcoming only people with a technical background, which might have excluded some women, and create an all-inclusive executive education with a level playing field for women who will be groomed as the upcoming leaders for the industry.   

By championing diversity, the Blue MBA is supporting our female colleagues to take their rightful place at the helm of the industry, ensuring they have a platform from which to build successful and rewarding careers.  

I am deeply grateful to my organisation, Copenhagen Business School, and its leadership who provide the environment which supports the philosophy of an inclusive, innovative and international community and give the support and freedom for the Blue MBA to succeed in the work we do for the industry. 

Today I stand before you filled with pride to celebrate this achievement.  Thank you for your support. 

My sincere thanks also to All About Shipping, Anny Zade and John Faraclas whose initiation of this exercise highlights the importance of recognising the contribution of women in this industry.


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