No easy ride for Putin

Good Morning Monaco
Friday, February 25, 2022
No easy ride for Putin following Ukraine attack
UKRAINE NEWS ROUND-UP Updated 00:01 February 25: Ukrainians put up fierce resistance in the face of overwhelming odds on Thursday, February 24, the first day…
Putin threatens nuclear response and hypersonic weapons
A belligerent and rambling Putin on Thursday warned other states not to interfere following his invasion of Ukraine…
Monaco coronavirus update: Hospital number in single figures
Monaco reported 26 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, February 24, while 15 were declared fully-recovered…
Big success for mulltimedia tour through Dublin
Neal Doherty, author and Failte Ireland tourist guide gave an entertaining multimedia presentation to an appreciative audience on the Statues and Sculptures of Dublin…
Vettel will not race in Russian GP Following the invasion of Ukraine, Sebastien Vettel has stated that he will not race in the Russian Grand Prix if the race goes ahead later this year…
DULY NOTED: President Macron of France called President Putin on Thursday to try to induce the Russian leader to declare a ceasefire following the invasion of Ukraine.