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Home Ports & TerminalsLogistics GEODIS End-to-End Services deliver resilience in a beleaguered market

GEODIS End-to-End Services deliver resilience in a beleaguered market

by admin

With supply chain disruption remaining a consistent problem for shippers around the world, GEODIS has introduced a fully integrated and customized logistics service designed to withstand the unpredictability of today’s global trade environment.  Flexibility is key to achieving consistent reliability and GEODIS is pulling its various resources and experience together in its end-to-end services offering.

At its core, GEODIS End-to-End Services has simplicity – to move customers goods from origin to destination with control and complete visibility. Through real-time data intelligence comes the ability to monitor milestones, anticipate delays and manage exceptions at an early stage, maintaining proactive control throughout the shipment’s journey along the supply chain.

“Throughout the recent months when disruption resulting from pandemic lockdowns, variable spikes in demand, transport capacity shortages, congestion at ports and other hubs and geopolitical upheaval, GEODIS developed alternatives to ensure that the delivery of customers’ goods was maintained,” says Eric Martin-Neuville, Executive Vice President, Freight Forwarding. “This flexibility and innovative philosophy are now engrained in the service offered by GEODIS End-to-End Services. Devising contingencies, solving potential blockages caused by disruption and optimizing our customer’s business logistically, are at the heart of GEODIS End-to-End Services.”

The service combines the existing functionality of Origin Services, Carrier Contract Management, Destination Services, Visibility, Customs Clearance Services, and the critical over-sight of the Control Tower. What is new is the co-ordination of these functions via a digital ecosystem connecting customers’ logistics data with real-time information on the status of shipments. This enables the mining of insights to reinforce and support flexible decision-making at critical junctures and guide their implementation by each GEODIS operational function. A team of dedicated experts analyzes the data and provides recommendations to optimize the supply chain whatever the external disruptive circumstances.

Joseph Fordney is Senior Vice President of Global Business Development of GEODIS’ Freight Forwarding activity: “We serve as a strategic partner to our customers to turn their supply chains from a cost center into a strategic asset,” he says. “GEODIS End-to-End Services will achieve this by creating resilience while striving to continuously optimize, helping our customers proactively overcome the challenges they are increasingly facing, and to grow their businesses.”

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