Safety at Sea, Human Life and the Environment are more than paramount and we need to preserve same.
Maritime Education and Training is the focal point.
John Faraclas reports:
At Aland’s Maritime Day earlier on today, MarISOT – Maritime Immersive Safe Ocean Technology, attracted the attention not only of visitors but specialists in the field.
The term Immersive Safe Ocean Technologies (ISOT) has been invented at TUAS (Turku University of Applied Sciences) after the extensive research and development efforts by Prof. Dr. Evangelos Markopoulos and Prof. Dr. Mika Luimula to integrate VR and AR technologies on major maritime and shipping needs.
Here is our live spot- log on here below*:
Next stop is the forthcoming Posidonia 2022 in Athens where more applications are going to be presented. Watch this space.
Reverting with a report on the three day Aland’s Maritime Day which included a Race, Seminars, Exhibition and an intense Networking.
*video coverage by Nikkola Aapo