We are happy to announce that “SNAME Greek Section”, in collaboration with “Alba Graduate Business School – The American College of Greece” proudly continue for the upcoming academic year 2022-2023, the generous scholarship for MBA in Shipping as part of SOME 2021 sponsorships.
In support of continuous education SNAME Greek Section in collaboration with Alba Graduate Business School, offers two half scholarships (50%) in the form of financial aid in the maritime sector for the Alba MBA in Shipping Program, for the academic year 2022-2023. (Total cost for the Alba MBA in Shipping Program is € 19,750 without counting the scholarship).
SNAME Greek Section and Alba Graduate Business School have already provided one scholarship for the academic year 2021-2022 to a qualified candidate of SNAME Greek Section Members.
We are grateful to our Platinum Sponsor for their generous and continuous support to our society.
Letter of Interest for Application and updated Resume shall be submitted via email at snamegreeksection@sname.org. The deadline for the two scholarships expires on July 18, 2022.
More information about the MBA in Shipping program shall be found on the following link.
Final selection will be made from Alba Graduate Business School Committee in collaboration with SNAME Greek Section Scholarship Committee chaired by Mr. Harilaos Petrakakos.
For more information you can send an email at snamegreeksection@sname.org.
With kind regards,