by Anny Zade
John Faraclas of All About Shipping participated in a group of academic and industry researchers to explore the certification process for maritime virtual reality training.
The research, led by Prof. Dr. Evangelos Markopoulos started 18 month ago (December 2020) from the dissertation of one of Prof. Markopoulos’ students (Ms Stavroula Illiade) who was co-supervised by Mr. John Faraclas, as an industry expert. The need to understand and provide a certification framework for virtual reality maritime training, the research results are used towards the solution on one of the MarISOT technology challenges which is the certification process. Besides the dissertation supervision of Mr. Faraclas, he contributed on the secondary research (literature review) and the communication, coordination and analysis of data and information provided to this research by Mr Aksel David Nordhol of DNV, Norway, who is an expert on digital and virtual maritime training. Furthermore, with the support of the doctoral student Panagiotis Markopoulos, the research considered expanding the certification process to include the metaverse technology as the very near future of virtual reality training evolution.
The research is considered as a significant and leading contribution to the maritime and shipping industry. The covid-19 period brought new alternatives and advanced training solutions to speed up the training process, reduce and financial cost and the operations risk form such unexpected global crisis.
The paper will be presented at the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) and Affiliated Conferences.
The affiliated AHFE conference is the ‘3rd International Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship’,
The presentation has been scheduled for Tuesday July 26 2022, 12:00-13:30 (GMT-5) Session 35 ‘Education for Creativity, Design and Innovation’ at the Sheraton Times Square in New York, USA.
The paper has already been published at the AHFE Open Access journal on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Volume 31, pages 36-47.
Further information for this publication:
Paper Title: A Certification Framework for Virtual Reality and Metaverse Training Scenarios in the Maritime and Shipping industry.
Paper Authors: Evangelos Markopoulos (Turku University of Applied Sciences. Finland), Aksel David Nordhol (DNV AS, Norway), Stavroula Illiade (Hult International Business School) Panagiotis Markopoulos (University of Turku), John Faraclas (All About Shipping, UK), Mika Luimula (Turku University of Applied Sciences. Finland)
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic enable advanced technologies to find areas of application that significantly eliminate physical presence. This paper presents an analysis of the maritime and shipping VR and Metaverse training certification demand, the requirements that need to be fulfilled for VR training scenarios to be certified, and the overall certification process that can be followed. The research is based on primary and secondary research with an extensive academic literature review, a survey with 80 maritime participants, three interviews with industry experts in maritime VR training and certification, case studies on the maturity and the readiness on the VR training in maritime and shipping, and the presentation of the latest virtual training certification standards from a leading maritime classification organization. The research results indicate an initial VR training certification process that can be used as a guide for VR training organizations on their efforts to certify their professional training applications and technologies.
Keywords: Maritime, Virtual Reality, Metaverse, ESG, Training, Certification, Standards, Covid-19, Ship Management, Shipping, Management, Leadership.
Citation: Markopoulos, E., Nordholm, A., Illiade, S., Markopoulos, P., Faraclas, J., Luimula, M. (2022). A Certification Framework for Virtual Reality and Metaverse Training Scenarios in the Maritime and Shipping industry.. In: Evangelos Markopoulos, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke and Yan Luximon (eds) Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 31. pp 36-47. AHFE International, USA.
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