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Home NewsConferences, Seminars, Forums Bulk Terminals 2022 Riga – Disruptive Influences on Trade

Bulk Terminals 2022 Riga – Disruptive Influences on Trade

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Simon Gutteridge, Chief Executive, Association of Bulk Terminal Operators (ABTO)


The high-value programmes for the Annual ABTO Bulk Terminals Conference are designed for all those involved in the transportation, storage and handling of dry bulk materials and commodities.

Previous events: Please click here for links to the videos of Bulk Terminals 2021 Riga ONLINE, and here for the links to the webinars we ran in 2020 as well as the brochures for previous Bulk Terminals conferences.

Bulk Terminals Riga 2022: This year we are guests of our host port the Freeport of Riga Authority in Latvia, at their conference centre. Since Amsterdam in 2019 this will be the first time we will all meet physically.

The conference always sets the scene with an analysis of bulk markets. It continues with a full programme focused on the concerns of operators, each year offering sound practical solutions for improving safety, streamlining operations and ensuring environmental protection. Digitalisation, the cyber threat, development opportunities and naturally the ongoing effect of covid-19 on bulk terminal operations will also be covered this year.

Given the importance to Latvian and other Baltic ports of transit cargoes, rail and transport connectivity will be covered as well in Bulk Terminals Riga 2022 – especially given the impact the conflict in Ukraine has had.

Disputes with origins in political disagreements can affect the fortunes of port and terminals. China’s dispute with Lithuania has regional and EU implications. In late 2020 China stopped buying Australian coal. Subsequently the Australians found new markets. Most recently Chinese exports of sand to Taiwan have stopped.

Time will tell how long lasting the fallout from the conflict in Ukraine will be. Similarly, how temporary the effect on the pattern of Chinese bulk imports and exports of their disputes with other countries will be. Bulk Terminals 2022 will examine the fallout, regionally and internationally.

Who should join us? The Annual ABTO Bulk Terminals Conferences are designed for all those involved in the transportation, storage and handling of bulk commodities. As well as terminals and ports we welcome equipment and service suppliers, professional advisors and academics to the conference. Indeed, ABTO feels strongly it is only through the interaction with these others that bulk terminals will achieve increased operational efficiencies, together with safety and environmental compliance.

Networking: As well as a full programme of presentations, panels and case studies, by popular request this year Bulk Terminals will include a terminal visit. We are delighted to be the guests of Rīgas Universālais Termināls – Riga Universal Terminal (RUT). As well as the valuable networking opportunities afforded by the visit to RUT, there will be a boat tour of Riga Port with lunch on board thanks to the generosity of the Freeport of Riga Authority, followed by a visit to the port Vessel Traffic Services Centre.

After the proceedings at the end of the first day, the Freeport Authority have kindly organised a tour of Historic Riga, culminating in the conference reception at the Riga Museum of History and Navigation – and for arrivals on Monday before conference they are also hosting drinks in the Foyer and Winter Garden of their conference venue overlooking the Riga City Canal.

Bulk Terminals 2022 Riga – the only event all those concerned with bulk terminals need to attend this year.  To register to attend please click here

The Annual Conference of the Association of Bulk Terminal Operators (ABTO) – the only event aimed at the entire bulk terminals industry

11-12 October 2022: Freeport of Riga Authority Conference Centre, Latvia



PRE-CONFERENCE NETWORKING                                   MONDAY 10 OCTOBER


18:00 Foyer and Winter Garden of The Freeport of Riga Authority conference centre overlooking the Riga Canal

Kindly hosted by the Freeport of Riga Authority

CONFERENCE DAY ONE                                         TUESDAY 11 OCTOBER 2022

08:15 Registration and refreshments


09:00 Simon Gutteridge BA Law (Hons), FIMarEST, Chief Executive, ABTO

09:05 The Honourable Tālis Linkaits, Minister for Transport, Republic of Latvia

09:15 Viesturs Zeps, Chairman of the Board, Freeport of Riga Authority 

09:20 Ansis Zeltiņš, CEO, Freeport of Riga Authority

09:25 Conference Chairman’s opening remarks

Professor Mike Bradley BSc Hons, PhD, Director, The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich; Chairman, Solids Handling and Processing Association (SHAPA) and the ABTO Members’ Advisory Panel


Session Chairman: Rahul Sharan

09:30 Effects of the conflict in Ukraine on grain markets

Rahul Sharan, Lead Analyst Bulk Shipping Research, Drewry 

09:55 Prospects for the minerals dry bulk market in 2022 and beyond

William Fray, Director, Maritime Strategies International (MSI)                        

10:20 The future of coal – short, medium and long term

Basil M Karatzas, CEO, Karatzas Marine Advisors & Co       

10:45 Biofuel markets

Speaker to be confirmed

11:05 Panel discussion and questions

Previous speakers and chairman

11:15 Refreshments


11:45 Dangers of value engineering

Professor Mike Bradley

12:05 The benefits of bespoke designing for purpose

Lodovico Bernardi, Director Asia Pacific, Bedeschi SpA

12:30 Technical routes to improved OPEX

Speaker from Bruks Siwertell

11:55 Panel discussion and questions

Previous speakers and chairman

13:05 Lunch

14:05 CASE STUDY: Teesworks – the largest development in Europe

Garry O’Malley, Operations Director, Teesworks and Chairman, ABTO Technical Committee

14:30 CASE STUDY: Operation improvements for better efficiency at Puerto Panu

Cristian Valenzuela, Gerente, Puerto Panul S.A.

14:55 Benefits of containerised bulk handling

Frank van Laarhoven, Senior Sales Manager Europe, RAM Spreaders

15:20 Utilising the Delphi Technique when making major decisions – achieving the best outcome

Ian Mills, Assistant Lecturer, Solent University and Director, Lawrence

Mills Consulting

15:35 Refreshments

16:05 Current operational issues in the present climate

Vladislavs Jakovļevs, CEO, Riga Bulk Terminal

16:30 Rail connectivity

Ģirts Bramans, Head of Strategic Stakeholders and Communication,

Rail Baltica

16:55 Panel discussion and questions

          Previous speakers and chairman


17:05 Conflict and the effect of the pursuit of political objectives on bulk trades – international, regional and EU implications

          Chairman, speakers and invited guests including The Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Latvia His Excellency Olexandr Mishchenko


Kindly hosted byThe Freeport of Riga Authority                        

17:40 Tour of Historic Riga followed by the Conference Reception in the Riga Museum of History and Navigation 

CONFERENCE DAY TWO                                   WEDNESDAY 12 OCTOBER 2022

08:30 Refreshments

09:00 Conference Chairman’s opening remarks

Professor Mike Bradley


09:05 What are the challenges and understanding where digitalisation can improve performance

Nick Chubb, Managing Director, Thetius


09:30 Identifying where the risks come from and managing the risks

Nick Chubb, Managing Director, Thetius

09:55 Panel discussion and questions

          Previous speakers and chairman


10:00 Safety first

Richard Steele, Head of ICHCA International

10:25 Risk issues

Julien Horn, Senior Underwriter, TT Club

10:50 Panel discussion and questions

Previous speakers and chairman joined by Aleksandrs Abuzjarovs, Chairman, Marine Services Group

11:00 Refreshments


11:25 Hydrogen – a way to achieve decarbonisation targets

Mériadec Le Mouillour, Directeur Général, CCIM Bretagne Ouest 

11:50 Monitoring emissions

Raphael Picard, VP Sales EMEA, Ellona

12:15 Retrofit of the existing power supply – achieving energy savings through electrification

Malte Moeller, Project Manager, igus GmbH

12:40 Panel discussion and questions

12:45 Chairman’s summary of conference deliberations


13:00 Depart for boat tour of Riga Harbour and lunch on board

Kindly hosted by the Freeport of Riga Authority                                  

14:00 Port Vessel Traffic Services Centre visit

Kindly hosted by the Freeport of Riga Authority

15:00 Bulk terminal visit

Kindly hosted by Riga Universal Terminal                                                      

16:00 Close of conference and return by coach to central Riga

To register to attend please click here

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