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Home EnergyAlternative Sources of Energy Day 2 of WISTA International’s AGM & Conference in Geneva

Day 2 of WISTA International’s AGM & Conference in Geneva

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Inmarsat’s president Ben Palmer at the podium

After a unique day one – following the elections, Day 2, being the opening of the Conference begun with two opening addresses: one by WISTA International President Despina Panayiotou-Theodosiou and one by the host nation’s president Maryana Yarmolenko Stober of WISTA Switzerland and Associate General Counsel EMEA, ADM, the three key note speeches followed.

The first one by IMO’s Secretary General Kitack Lim, the second one by Sadan Kaptanoglou, immediate past President of BIMCO and CEO of Kaptanoglou Group & president of Turmepa, and the third by Inmarsat’s president Ben Palmer; all three received a great applause by the strong 250 plus audience…

The New Energy Landscape was the first panel’s theme moderated by Maryana Yarmolenko, having a multiple variety/specialist panellists; Amb. Nancy Karigithu, Principal Secretary – State Department for Shipping and Maritime, Kenya, Elsa Pernot, Group HSEC Director, Guvnor Group and our good old friend Monica Kohli, Senior Lawer at Gard UK, WISTA-UK and IMA UK president (all pictured above).

What an excellent speech by IMO’s Director for Legal and External Affairs, the very eloquent Fred Kenney (pictured below).

Will revert with a full account; stay tuned with us.


N.B: Excellent and more than timely pictures by Anna Kaparaki*

*Anna Kaparaki, Senior Marine Law Solicitor with Mackinnons Solicitors LLP, Lecturer in Maritime Law at Liverpool John Moores University (School of Engineering), Liverpool and North West Propeller Club Ambassador, Member of the London Shipping Law Centre (LSLC), and Member of WISTA UK.

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