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Home HRAnniversaries Two Powerful and evocative performances marking the Centenary of the despicable burning of the Greek City of Smyrna in 1922 by the Turks at London’s Hellenic Centre

Two Powerful and evocative performances marking the Centenary of the despicable burning of the Greek City of Smyrna in 1922 by the Turks at London’s Hellenic Centre

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Earlier on this afternoon and evening, the Greek faithful, who managed to purchase on time tickets, attended two excellent performances; the first one a theatrical The Promise – An Asia Minor Story and a songs performance, Songs of Minor Asia.

From the Promise; picture by the Hellenci Centre’s programme announcement

The Promise was a powerful and evocative story inspired by interviews conducted with Asia Minor Refugees, written and performed by the award-winning international performance storyteller Anna Conomos-Wedlock.

The evening concert celebrating the synthesis of western and eastern traditions featuring violinist Kyriakos Gouventas, and our UK old friend and multi-entertainment musician and guitarist-producer Pavlos Mellas and his group accompanied also by the brilliant santur prodigy Ioanna Riga was unique!

A sold out double event with many from the Greek Shipping Fraternity and many international friends.

Good to meet the new director of the Hellenic Centre Nayia Yiakoumaki – who also introduced the events. Former director Agatha Kalisperas was attending the event. Worth mentioning that Mrs. Kalisperas served for nearly 25 years  as director of the centre.  Good to see also Sophie Kydoniefs, Chairman of the Executive Board, Maria P. Margaronis, Alxeandros Kedros and many others which due to the Covid pandemic was impossible…

Viwers can log on at www.helleniccentre.org and see the events taking place.

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