Safety on the High Seas Deep Dive
In this Decade of Demand, our industry continues to face multifaceted safety demands, from the need to support mariners in mental, emotional, and physical health, to threats of global pandemics and access to inoculations, to technological advances helping identify threats more quickly and accurately.
We heard from several experts, who shared how we can best collaborate to address these disruptions and challenges, during the Safety on the High Seas Deep Dive. Hosted by the Bahamas Maritime Authority and moderated by Captain Óli Olsen, Deputy Director, Seafarers and Manning, we also heard from Satinder Baveja, Vice President of Operations, Zenith Shipping Group and Jason Zuidema, Executive Director, North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA); Eva Lianne Veldkamp from COPE; and the expert perspective from Dr. Arthur L. Diskin, Global Chief Medical Officer, Future Care; Captain Raymond Peter, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement; Len Quist, Vikand; and Sahil Chand, the founder of ShipSafe.
Watch the session on-demand now (you will simply need to input your email address, first and last name and organization to view the session).
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Future Care
Access all on-demand sessions from SHIPPINGInsight 2022 here.
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