The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was up 82 points since yesterday at 1,324 and 135 since last week’s (18/11) 1,189 braking the impulse and surpassing the 1,200 – 1,300 points threshold, thanks mainly to the Capes’ surge. Wets remained firm and on an upward mode. Geopolitics completely derailed and be on guard from more flash points and wars as well as upturns all over Planet Ocean. Covid and other infectious deceases re-surface. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly brief recap:
The Capes’ BCI was the main producer of this week’s good news in an otherwise dull Dry Market. The BCI was up 229 points since yesterday at 1,613 and 491 since the 18/11 closing surpassing the 1,200 to 1,600 points threshold…
The Panamaxes BPI was up 13 points and now stands at 1,479 but on a weekly basis same was down 115 points – from 1,594 last week losing the 1,500 points threshold.
Minimal rise for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,182 – up eight points since yesterday and 12 since last week’s 1,170 (18/11)
Strangely enough, the Handies’ BHSI was down two points to 745 since yesterday and 18 since last week’s 763.
All in all, we advise CAUTION as one size – as we have numerous stressed, doesn’t create nor constitutes a market!!
The Wets remained firm; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 2,494 – up seven and 1,770 – up 32 points respectively with the 2,400 and 1,500-1,700 threshold conquered. On a weekly basis the Dirties were up 129 from 2,365 and the Cleans 309 from 1,461 points. Demand is there given the geopolitical situation and in particular the Ukrainian mess and China’s issues…
On the Ships Sale & Purchase front we now have opportunities in renewing the global fleet with modern and more eco friendly tonnage to save Planet Ocean and the Economy! This is the area for secure investments!
The WTI fell down to US$ 76.28 from US$ 78.08 recorded yesterday. On a weekly basis, the WTI was down US$ 3.83 from US$ 80.11 last week (18/11). So we have a bit of good news but we need per mare per terra to see the US$49.99 mark to secure the 8 (eight) billion international public from misery… The Energy issues will escalate and only Posidon, the God of the Seven Seas, knowns what is next… CAUTION!
The FTSE 100 was up 20.07 points since yesterday to 7,486.67 and 101.15 since last week’s 7,385.52…
The Dow Jones was up 132.97 points since last Wednesday 23/11 as yesterday we had Thanksgiving in the USA and now reads 34,347.03. On a weekly basis, the Dow Jones was up 601.34 points from 33.745.69 on 18/11…
The Nikkei was down 100.06 since yesterday and now stands at 28,283.03; on a weekly basis the Nikkei was up 383.26 since the 27,899.77 recorded on 18/11…
THE Euro / USDollar parity stood at 1,0412 a small difference since yesterday’s 1,0407 and 0,0069 since last week’s 1,0343… CAUTION!
On the Geopolitical front now, main issues:
The entire region of the faulty line from Gibraltar to Vladivostok and from the Caucasus down to the Horn of African remains more than dangerous and it’s on fire:
M I N D the MIGRANTS issue all over PLANET OCEAN!!! This is the NUMBER ONE ISSUE!!
Ukraine: we reiterate the view that you haven’t seen anything yet; any Ukrainian success on the military / land front is being met with the wrath of president Putin’s forces. Ukraine is demolished and will be completely demolished until a Peace accord is signed. Ukrainian economy does not exists and the country is bankrupt. The Grain and other Foodstuff deal is on the edge… Russia too will suffer… A Marshall plan should be implemented immy the Peace deal is signed. As you read these lines, there are over TEN million households in Ukraine without electricity and water… Ukraine is the total failure of Diplomacy given we are just 9 (nine) months in a despicable war… Remember that Nemesis always strikes… We have warned you on all these happenings from day one, in writting and live on TV!!! And we don’t rule out a chemical or nuclear controlled strike…
Turkey given the warring and provocative behaviour built up over the last 48 years following the Cyprus invasion in 1974, its invasion in Syria and the latest with Migrants and MOU with Libya, will create mess in Central, East Med, the Balkans, and Middle East with incalculable repercussions. Kurdistan spreading and including parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran is the harsh reality and in the making: watch this space… Always remember that World War Three begun in Syria…
What’s up in Iran? CAUTION…
The Balkans too are still an area to watch and the Kosovo issue might ignite another mess, whilst Bosnia and other regions are not fully “settled”; CAUTION.
Azeris and Armenians are also at loggerheads…
China might face internal mess with COVID being the main issue and more freedom for its citizens… still Taiwan remain a big issue and everything is open… Never forget South China Sea…
North Korea might play China’s proxy role in yet another clash in the region…
Japan is not happy on what takes place there…
Africa, where most trouble takes place with even change of frontiers is to be carefully watched and monitored…
Latin Central and South America also must be watched…
Can Lula make it in Brazil…
Venezuela might see changes soon… Watch this space.
The UK on the road to recovery…
Brussels must get their act together and short out here and now the Energy issues, thanks to Germany’s babyish attitude and Merkelism behaviour; shame!
In Australia, former PM Scott Morrison might have a tough time ahead…
Recession and Inflation bites all over Planet Ocean.
Let’s see how US President Joe Biden will rule the USA following mid-term elections and the peculiar results and how he governs Planet Ocean; the biggest test for the USA following the Cuban missile crisis.
Covid, Bronchits and Flu make waves: C A U T I O N as this lethal cocktail will cause further global financial mess!!!
AND the World Cup in Qatar continues with many more surprises to come… Amazing…
Have a nice evening and weekend but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. As for the mess in Ukraine, we repeat: you have not seen anything yet as well as its spread…
Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is now has surpassed the US$ 400 (four hundred) trillion debt.