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Project Connect wins Gold in Greek Shipping Awards

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Members and teachers of Project Connect on a l to r: John Xylas, Nicholas Notias, Stratos Tsalamanios, Dr. John Kalogerakis, Nikolas Tsalamanios, George Souravlas, Irene Notias, Nikos Marmtsouris, Elisavet Statira, Adamantia Spanaka and Vasiliki Bakrozi

A special recognition of the work, innovation as well as new possibilities in the shipping

In this year’s event of Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards, the most prestigious shipping awards event, which was held in a glamorous ceremony among distinguished ship owners and top-ranking officials of the Maritime Industry, Project Connect was honored with the “Achievement in Education or Training Award” in recognition of its great work it performs contributing to the education of the next generation of professionals as well as the preservation of the Greek Shipping Industry.

Nigel Lowry, Athens Correspondent of Lloyd’s List with Irene Notias

The Award honors organizations contributing, through their actions and presence, to academic and professional training and who have strengthened the Greek maritime industry. One such organization is Project Connect, a Civil Non-Profit Company, founded in May 2015, on the initiative of Ms. Irene Notias, aiming to connect maritime students with shipping companies for practical training in order for them to become effective professionals. Its main function is to create opportunities for substantive internships for practical training to young professionals in-the-making and thus making Greek shipping more sustainable and competitive in the international arena. Project Connect has undertaken a number of important and successful initiatives over the past years which shed light on its innovative work.

Above initiatives started with the launch of the “ONLINE CV PLATFORM”, the first online CV Database that came as a response to a long-standing request of students in the shipping industry to connect with shipping companies. By using this platform, the HR Departments of the companies that are members of Project Connect are able to search and locate appropriate candidates for internships as well as Entry Level positions. The innovative platform is complemented by the pioneering “Virtual 3D Shipping Company Tour” program. This virtual tour is inspired by the impact of the pandemic on the education and training of maritime students, who were not allowed to enter an office physically. The virtual three-dimensional navigation through the environment of a Shipping Company as a first familiarizing contact with its working conditions, departments and roles is inspiring to all who view it.

Irene Notias and Panama Maritime Authority’s – sponsors, Captain Huan Maltez

In addition, Project Connect has left its mark on Greek education through the “Adopt a Ship” program, an innovative action, which has been authorized by the Ministry of Education, for the past five consecutive years and which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality, as well as HELMEPA. The program introduces
students to the world of shipping, trade and commerce, vessels, and life at sea.

Participants and supporters of the program on an annual basis, are more than 7,300 students and 280 teachers of all grades from 118 schools, coming from all parts of Greece.

The students exchange electronic letters with the captains and the teachers use the program to teach History, Maths, Greek, Geography, Computer Science, English, Music and Visual Arts. Through several evaluations, it is evident that many students are looking forward to going to school to read the Captain’s letter, while many have expressed a desire to pursue a career in shipping and some wish to become seafarers. At the same time, seafarers feel that they are contributing to the education of children and are heartened that Project Connect is bridging them to the land.

As stated by the Inspirer and Founder of Project Connect, who is also responsible for the program in Greece, Ms. Irene Notias in her acceptance speech:

“This award constitutes a great recognition for our team and our efforts to establish programs such as “Adopt a Ship” nationwide. In fact, the great response received from the maritime education community indicates the equally great need we have as a society to expand the educational network teaching about life at sea and the vast professional opportunities in the maritime industry, which is one of the two main pillars of our economy, next to Tourism. We invite all teachers, captains and shipowners to share with us the vision to maintain and magnify the reputation of Greek shipping, which has already reached all corners of the globe.”

Ms. Notias then thanked the teachers of Greece and Captains of Greek ship owned vessels who have bought to life an educational program about shipping.

For further information regarding Project Connect, visit the website: https://www.project-connect.gr/

Since its launch in 2004 and for 18 years, the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards has been the best-supported event of its kind in the maritime world, aiming to honor the brilliant achievements of the Greek Shipping Community and Industry. Members of the judging panel are some of the most prominent and distinguished representatives of the industries being honored covering the entire spectrum of the Greek shipping industry -including dry cargo, tanker, and passenger liner sectors. The Awards granted also highlight significant initiatives in areas such as: safety, sustainability, technology, shipbuilding financing, education and more.

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