Having stuck to an overly loose monetary stance for too long in 2021, the European Central Bank now seems inclined to overdo its response to inflation. After underestimating the structural uptrend in inflation that started in 2017 amid emerging labour shortages, the ECB now seems to be overestimating the inflation pressures that will persist after the current spike in energy, food and transport costs has run its course.
Flight to safety versus fight for returns By Clive Horwood The 2022 edition of OMFIF’s Global Public Pensions paints a clear and stark picture of the fundamentally changed investment challenges facing the world’s biggest asset owners.
MEETINGS Chinese and emerging market equities for reserve managers Thursday 13 December, Roundtable This roundtable, hosted by OMFIF and E Fund Management, explores the difficulties of choosing an approach to sustainable reserve management that navigates challenges and fulfils ESG criteria, returns and income objectives. Register to attend here .
ON DEMAND Sustainability: formulating best policy and practice in Asia At the inaugural OMFIF Asia forum in Singapore, this panel reviewed Asia’s progress and best practices in sustainable investing, and discussed whether it can become the world leader in sustainable finance.
LATEST REPORT Future of payments 2022 This year’s report focuses on the challenges of cross-border payments for emerging market countries, delving into the validity of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins as a means of escaping domestic inflation and sending cheap remittances.