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Home ShipmanagementBunkering DNV GL’s Maritime Academy Ship Energy Efficiency in a Nutshell – Live Vitual Classroom

DNV GL’s Maritime Academy Ship Energy Efficiency in a Nutshell – Live Vitual Classroom

by admin
Dr. Marina Papaioannou

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on16 and 17 January 2023, a course on Energy Efficiency. The global sulphur cap 2020 puts the spotlight once again on energy efficiency. Performance is scrutinized by a variety of stakeholders, with claims and counter-claims, often based on half-truths. The course offers an expert guide through the various options, addressing also recent developments and R&D aiming at 2030 and 2050 IMO targets.

This comprehensive training course has been redesigned as a blended learning course for online delivery until further notice. It consists of a split between live online lectures and Q&A sessions interspersed with self-study modules and quizzes to bring more variety and flexibility to the course.

The four modules look into both the potential and the limitations of options in hydrodynamics, machinery operation and nautical operation, as well as their practical implications.

Course Objective

You will acquire a solid understanding of all the key elements leading to the energy efficient operation of ships and be in a stronger position when discussing the various options with technical experts and service providers.

Emphasis will be given on:

  • Current and Future fuels and fuel converters
  • Energy Efficiency Options in Hydrodynamics – resistance, propulsion, fairy tales from vendors
  • Energy Efficiency Options in Machinery – main & auxiliary machinery, renewables for ship propulsion, hotel load, human factor
  • Energy Efficiency Options in Operation – weather routing, trim, autopilots

Course:                    Ship Energy Efficiency in a Nutshell (online)

Venue, Date:            Live Distance Learning (link to be provided), 16-17 January 2023 (10:00-14:00 each day) / Language: English

Trainer:                         Dr. Ing. habil. Volker Bertram – DNV Senior Principal Specialist on Ship Energy Efficiency

Fees:                        € 550,00 plus VAT

End of registration: 10 January 2023

You can book it through our training portal.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2023!!!

Best regards,

Marina Papaioannou PhD Regional Maritime Academies Manager Maritime Service Center

Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com


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