Navigating Sustainability: GHGs and ESG the Focus
February 6, 2023- Weston, CT Carleen Walker, NAMEPA Co-Founder/CEO, announced the organization will be holding its annual operations conference in Houston on March 2nd hosted by the Houston Pilots. The focus of the event is “Navigating Sustainability: GHGs and ESG” and is expected to appeal to shipowners, maritime professionals, and students searching for answers on emission reduction and sustainability solutions.
“The maritime industry is facing difficult decisions on how to honor its commitment to sustainability and maintain successful businesses” stated Ms. Walker. “We have gathered industry experts to help guide us through these choppy, and sometimes opaque, waters.”
The conference will open with a welcome from the Houston Pilot’s Captain Clint Winegar, Presiding Officer for 2023 followed by remarks from NAMEPA’s Chairman, Joe Hughes. Sessions on Regulatory, Technical, Operational and Societal will follow led by SMIT’s Doug Martin, Kai Martin of The Pasha Group, ABS’ Gareth Burton and Cargill’s Jan-Willem van den Dijssel.
Presenters covering the topics include CAPT Amy Beach of the USCG, Blank Rome’s Keith LeTourneau, Jan Hagen Andersen of DNV, SUNY Maritime College’s Dr. Rao Kowtha, and NAMEPA’s Marcela Crowley. Additional speakers will be named shortly.
NAMEPA is grateful to its sponsors of this event which include (to date): The American Club, ABS, ABS Wavesight, Blank Rome, DNV, Dorian LPG, Fairfield Chemical Carriers, the Houston Pilots, HudsonAnalytix and SMIT.
For more information, and to register, go to Navigating Sustainability.
About NAMEPA The North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) is a marine industry-led organization of environmental stewards preserving the marine environment for over 15 years by promoting sustainable marine industry best practices and educating seafarers, students and the public about the need and strategies for protecting global ocean, lake and river resources. Visit us at: www.namepa.net.