An extraordinary weekend in Switzerland culminated in the collapse of Credit Suisse into the wary embrace of its great rival, UBS. The latter did not want to have to buy the former. For all the Swiss authorities’ insistence that this was a takeover – a ‘commercial solution’ according to the finance minister – UBS had no choice but to make a deal work.
Spring global growth forecasts are looking up By Mark Sobel The global economic outlook for 2023 has faced multiple mood swings. Spring projections are likely to start trending upwards, but the path forward faces major uncertainties.
ON DEMAND Climate change risks for financial stability Pedro Duarte Neves, adviser for the board of directors of Banco de Portugal, joins Katerina Atkins, programme coordinator at OMFIF’s Sustainable Policy Institute, to discuss climate risks for financial stability.
This special edition of the journal examines women’s economic empowerment, how to narrow the gaps in financial inclusion and the connection between gender diversity and climate risks.