As of May 1, 2023, Brazil only recognizes seafarer identification documents (SIDs) that are issued in accordance with ILO No. 185, the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention. The initial deadline for compliance had been set for June 2021 but was extended until April 30, 2023, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In summary, the following are the requirements for foreign seafarers to work in Brazilian territory. For seafarers in possession of a valid ILO No. 185 SID:
1.there are no visa requirements for stays of up to 180 days as long as they enter Brazilian territory on a vessel or show that the purpose of entry is to embark on a vessel in Brazilian waters; 2.temporary work visas are available for stays of greater than 180 days aboard foreign flagged vessels; and visas are available to work aboard Brazilian flagged vessels regardless of the employment period.
For seafarers not in possession of a valid ILO No. 185 SID, they must:
1.acquire a business visa for stays for up to 90 days per migratory year unless they are exempt from acquiring a visa based upon their nationality; 2.acquire a temporary work visa (VITEM V) for staying in excess of 180 days aboard a foreign flagged vessel or cruise ship; or 3.acquire a temporary work visa (VITEM V) for stays of more than 90 days a year on a vessel other than a foreign flagged vessel or cruise ship.
Chinese seafarers Chinese seafarers who are employed aboard Chinese flagged merchant vessels are exempt from acquiring a visa:
– if they are employed aboard a Chinese flagged vessel; – if disembarking crew from a Chinese flagged vessel in a port where the vessel is located; and – are granted a stay in the port city in which the vessel is located.
Non-compliance with these requirements are to be strictly enforced and fines will be levied in the range of R$100 (US$ 20) to R$10,000 (US$ 2,000) for individuals and R$1,000 (US$ 200) to R$1,000,000 (US$ 20,000) depending upon any incidents of reoccurrence.
Your Managers recommend that Members take note of this information and be guided accordingly. They also thank Rabb Carvalho Advocacia for providing the information upon which this Alert has been based.