Biden’s Fed nominations signal diverse era of decision-making By Arunima Sharan
With the possible appointments of Adriana Kugler and Philip Jefferson to the US Federal Reserve System board of governors, President Joe Biden marks a potential win for diversity but less so for gender balance. Meanwhile, regional Feds lead the way in OMFIF’s Gender Balance Index 2023 and outperform their national counterpart.
 Governments, central banks and commercial banks ‘joined at the hip’ By George Hoguet Paul Sheard’s book, ‘The Power of Money: How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper’, is part economics primer, theoretical disquisition and manifesto. ​​​​​​Read the full commentary ​→  |
 MEETINGS Public sector debt summit Tuesday 23 May, Conference OMFIF is holding its second public sector debt summit, convening leading public sector investors to shape the future of the sovereign, supranational and agency bond markets. ​​​​ ​​​​​​Register ​→ |
 ON DEMAND Natural capital funds and driving financial flows towards biodiversity William Mason and Alison Gavey of Guernsey Financial Services Commission join Emma McGarthy, head, Sustainable Policy Institute to discuss how to scale up nature-positive flows. Listen → |
 LATEST REPORT Central banks in the digital age: bringing data into focus As central banks evolve to meet the demands of the modern age, the types of data they gather are becoming more unconventional and so are the tools and strategies they use for analysis. Download → |