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Home NewsComment UK pension funds lie subservient to political needs, and more

UK pension funds lie subservient to political needs, and more

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UK pension funds lie subservient to political needs By Colin Robertson

Jeremy Hunt, UK chancellor of the exchequer, has set out proposals for the UK pension fund industry in his speech at Mansion House. These proposals focused on three of the UK government’s priorities: to invest more in the UK economy, in the name of increasing productivity, infrastructure and ‘levelling up’. However, the practical application of Hunt’s proposals prove difficult.​​

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A new concept for reserve management
By Massimiliano Castelli and Philipp Salman
Uncertainty grew over whether the US will be able to escape a deep recession. This was the economic backdrop for the 29th UBS reserve management seminar and its survey of reserve managers.

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Briefing for chief economists Monday 31 July, Roundtable This virtual roundtable will assess the latest economic outlook across the euro area, the UK and the US. It will explore inflation and growth expectations, the health of the global financial system and geopolitics in global markets.

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Helping Ukraine to fight back​​
Vladyslav Rashkovan, Ukraine’s representative for the International Monetary Fund, discusses the country’s economic and financial situation. Ukraine has made crucial progress on economic stabilisation with western support. Such support must continue.

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The Bulletin, Summer 2023
This edition of the Bulletin sheds light on the challenges and opportunities presented by changing population dynamics. Some contributors note that shifting demographic patterns are cause for alarm, while for others, the message is not all doom and gloom.


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