Taylor Pearce, OMFIF senior economist, spoke with Charles Goodhart, professor emeritus of banking and finance at the London School of Economics, about his predictions for long-term demographic change and the impact of ageing populations on labour and economic growth.
Jeremy Hunt, UK chancellor of the exchequer, set out proposals for the pension fund industry in his speech at Mansion House. These proposals focused on three of the government’s priorities.
James Murray, UK shadow financial secretary, explores the key priorities of the shadow Treasury, including ‘secureonomics’ and the UK’s trade relationship with the European Union.
Joan Prats, lead financial specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank, joins Burhan Khadbai, head of content at OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute, to examine Ecuador’s debt-for-nature swap.
This edition of the Bulletin sheds light on the challenges and opportunities presented by changing population dynamics. Some contributors note that shifting demographic patterns are cause for alarm, while for others, the message is not all doom and gloom.