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Home EnvironmentConstruction One of Monaco’s busiest streets to be hit by construction work

One of Monaco’s busiest streets to be hit by construction work

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Monaco; the marina and at the centre the Yacht Club de Monaco

Good Morning Monaco

Thursday, August 31, 2023

One of Monaco’s busiest streets to be hit by construction work Reconstruction work at 2-8 avenue Prince Pierre will result in major traffic disruption starting from Monday…

Monaco’s Scorpio looks to the skies in latest venture Lauro family vehicle Scorpio Services Holding of Monaco, which has switched from dry bulk carriers to wind-power…

Monaco Yacht Show installations start on Saturday In order to host the Monaco Yacht Show, an essential event for the yachting sector and with significant economic benefits…

AS Monaco announce blockbuster signing from Arsenal After a great deal of anticipation, 22 year-old US International Folarin Balogun has become Premier League…

Thursday August 31, 2023

The 800 students at the International School of Monaco have returned for the Autumn Term, the last time in the current premises.    
SOURCE: Local media
The Basse Corniche road linking Monaco and Nice reopened just before noon on Wednesday following Tuesday afternoon’s rockfall.    
SOURCE: Monaco Matin

Complied by Jeff Daniels

Road King Investment Company Ltd. BVI Company No. 320425 (dissolution anticipée)
Notification au public concerné, selon le code Registre des Sociétés 2004 Iles Vierges Britanniques, que la Société nommée ci-dessus, est en dissolution. La dissolution date du 4 aout 2023 et Eldon Solomon de Palm Grove House, B.P. Box 438, Road Town, Tortola, Iles Vierges Britanniques en est le liquidateur.
BVI Company No. 1990862   (in voluntary liquidation)
NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with Section 203(3) of the BVI Business Companies Act, as amended, that the above named company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 2 August 2023 and Wayne Francis of Nerine Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands is the voluntary liquidator.
AVIS est donné par la présente, conformément à l’Article 203(3) de la loi sur les sociétés commerciales des îles Vierges britanniques (BVI Business Companies Act), telle que modifiée, que la société susmentionnée est en liquidation volontaire. La liquidation volontaire a commencé le 2 août 2023 et Wayne Francis de Nerine Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, Îles Vierges britanniques est le liquidateur volontaire.

Weather Forecast
Today through Saturday: Mainly sunny, high 26. Outlook: Temperatures creeping back up to 28/29.

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