Empowering Women in the Shipping and Logistics Industry: The #BlueMBA‘s Impact on C-Suite Ascent by Irene Rosberg, Programme Director, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (The Blue MBA)
The shipping and logistics sector is ripe with potential, and The Blue MBA is empowering female participants to ascend to the C-suite level. The landscape of the shipping industry has evolved in remarkable ways. Unlike the past, today’s management positions no longer exclusively demand a background as seafarers.
“When I look at the shipping industry today, I see many qualified and motivated women who aspire to make a career in this industry and should be given the opportunity to do so.” – Irene Rosberg, Programme Director of the Blue MBA
“In the past, many of those who moved up the ladder and assumed management positions within the industry were former seafarers. If this were still the case, women, who make up only 2% of the seafarers, would face significant barriers. However, the industry has transformed, with a greater emphasis on diverse skill sets for top positions, offering women a much more even playing field.”